Video #4

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The video began in a car. The camera was pointed at Dick, looking the exact same age as the previous video, slapping his seat-belt on a pulling his legs onto the car seat with him.

"If I die," he said, "I'm going to come back to life and kill Speedy."

"If I die," someone off screen said, sounding suspiciously like Wally, "I hope there're pancakes in heaven."

"Quit it," Roy said, and the camera flipped over to his aggravated face in the driver's seat. "You're gonna make me screw up!"

"Deer!" Dick screamed, and Roy instantly swerved his wheel... even though the engine wasn't on.

Dick and Wally laughed like idiot, and the camera flipped back to Dick who was wiping nonexistence tears from his eyes.

"Screw you," Roy muttered.

"You're not getting any camera time if you continue flipping the camera off like that," Wally scolded, "This is supposed to be rated E for Everyone. For the sake of Grilled Cheesus."

"Grilled Cheesus?" Dick asked. "Did you just come up with that right now?"

"Shut up, Dick!"

"Don't say naughty words!" Roy scolded, and once again the camera was on him, "E for Everyone, remember?"

Dick sputtered and blushed, hiding his face in his knees, which were drawn to his chest.

"Ugh! I hate you guys!"


Beast Boy paused to look at present Robin... curled up in the seat with his head in his knees which were drawn to his chest.

"Ugh!" Robin repeated, "I hate you guys!"

Speedy and Kid Flash laughed.

"Sorry, kid, I couldn't help it," Speedy chuckled.

"Whatever," Robin said, rolling his eyes. He straitened up and snatched the remote from Beast Boy. He clicked play.


"Sorry, kid, I couldn't help it," Roy chuckled.

"Whatever," Dick muttered, "But I'm getting you back." He strained up and gripped the handlebar attached to the roof of the car. "You know," he said, "This is considered kidnapping."

Kid Flash smirked. "I'm gonna call the police on you, Roy!"

"How in the world, is this considered kidnapping!?" Roy demanded.

"You took two kids against their will, because I sure didn't want to do this and neither did Wally, and you're taking them to an unknown area." Dick explained. "If this ain't kidnapping, then I don't know what is!"

"Shut up!" Roy spat. "Aright, guys. I'm staring the car. Buckle up."


"Do you know that Roy still does that to this day," Robin asked, pausing the video. He received curious glances.

"Does what?" Cyborg asked.

"He tells us to buckle up every time he drives us somewhere!" Kid Flash said. "Like, Jesus, Roy, I know I could be a bit immature at times, but I'm certainly not stupid!"

"And I'm not amazing," Robin muttered, sarcasm dripping from his voice like venom.

"Glad we have come to an agreement,"

Robin glared at the older teen and shook his head in disapproval.


"Are you gonna tell us that every time!?" Dick demanded, rolling his eyes. He gestured at his already buckled seat-belt. "Because I'm pretty sure I've got the gist already. Jesus, I know I've never been one to drive in cars often, but this in unbelievable."

Roy started the engine without uttering a word.

The camera turned to reveal Wally,"For the sake of the viewers sanity-"

"We have no viewers," Roy reminded.

"For the sake of our nonexistent viewers sanity, I am turning this video off until further notice."

"Idiot!" Roy shouted.

The screen faded to black.


"That day Roy had managed to..."

_____________________________-Cue Flashback-__________________________________________

"Roy!" Dick yelled, and his head jerked forward. He smacked his face against the back of Roy's seat. He pressed a hand under his nose and felt blood.

"Shit!" Roy yelled, "Everyone out of the car!"

Wally and Roy worked together to break the window besides the passenger seat. Meanwhile, Dick couldn't get his seat-belt off.

"Hel-" but his voice was drowned out by the sudden splash of water. Roy and Wally both looked back at Dick who was desperately trying to claw the seat-belt off.

"Shit!" Roy said, even though no one could hear him. He and Wally swam over the Dick and together they tried tugging off the blasted seat-belt. Dick felt his lungs burning and so did Wally and Roy. Dick hadn't gotten a last breath like them. He didn't know that suddenly the ocean was going to hit them with everything it got. His head lolled back and his world faded to black.


"I had managed to find a pocket knife in the glove compartment and I cut the seat-belt off him," Roy said, "I later administered CPR and Oliver never saw that shitty car ever again."

"Uh... That sounds like a... uh... wonderful story...?" Aqualad said, scratching his neck.

"So... How many of these videos are there?" Cyborg asked.

"Well... We stopped making them, like, a year ago," Robin said, "Before the Titans started."

"So, in other words," Speedy said.

"A lot," Kid Flash finished.

"Don't worry, though. By the end there're a lot of gaps in periods we made them," Speedy assured.

"So... Shall we continue?" Robin suggested, clicking play being any objections could be made.

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