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"So, Bats has been driving the JL crazy with his 'I work alone' declarations. Well, he doesn't, and I plan to make that clear at today's meeting," as Dick smirked, he turned the camera to show the right of him.

"Fuck you," a young, (for some reason) pissed off boy snapped at Dick.

"That's Jay," Dick said fondly, ruffling the boy's hair. "My little brother."

The boy turned his attention to the camera, his glare never faltering. However, it was hard to fine it intimidating with the soft, chocolate eyes and tussled, dark hair and baby fat. "I'm only here for revenge."

"Bats grounded him from patrol for a week," Dick explained. "Admittedly, he sorta deserved it but-"

"I didn't do anything that bad," Jason winced, remembering, and crossing his arms over his chest.

"You dyed Batman's hair pink," Dick said, incredulous. "If I did that he would've killed me."

"That's because you're not his favorite," Jason smirked.

"We all know Tim's the favorite" Dick rolled his eyes and glanced down at a spot somewhere off camera.

Jason looked at the same spot and paled. "Where'd the brat go?"

"Bruce is gonna kill me." Dick groaned, cussing under his breath. "And then I'm gonna kill Dam-"

A shriek of terror cut them off.

There was a beat of silence.

"He's got Timmy... doesn't he?"


Dick shut off the camera.


Beast Boy cocked his head to the side, pausing the video. "Siblings?"

"I wasn't aware the Batman had more little ones," Starfire mused.

"Yeah," Robin said, "I've got three brothers..."

"'Jay' seems pleasant," Garth hummed.

Roy rolled his eyes. "He's an angel."

"As long as he isn't as bad as your teenage self," Garth winked. Roy stuck up a middle finger, and clicked the 'play' button.


"Found him," Dick breathed a sigh of relief, carrying a struggling, significantly tiny, boy.

"I will destroy you!" Came a hissed squeak.

"Yes, yes, we're all aware of how very scary you are," Jay smirked, wiggling a finger in the boy's face. "Shit! He bit me! What the fuck, Dick. Make him stop!"

"Stop, Damian," Dick said offhandedly, and turned to Jay tutting, "Watch your fucking profanity."

"He almost killed me!" Timmy pouted, "where's my curtesy reprimand?"

"Bad, Tommy-"


"Kidding," Dick smirked, then paused, "Bad Timmy," he said, smile broadening.

"I mean a reprimand for Damian," Tim specified. He was a small boy, like all the others, and he huddled considerably close to Dick's side at all times. Actually, all the boys seemed especially close to Dick, even Jason.

"But look at that sorry face," he grinned, twisting the four year old to face Timmy. He stuck at his tongue, and Tim return the favor. "He's so apologetic. He didn't want to hurt anyone. Isn't that right, Dami?"

He received no response, save for a small growl and fists reaching for Dick's hair. After a second of stretching, he finally found what he was looking for- a fist full of Dick's dark hair- and brutally yanked.

Dick visibly bit back a scream, and carefully untangled Dami's hands out of his hair. He turned to the camera, "See? Totally innocent. What does Bats do to them these days."

Damian smirked, obviously overjoyed with his accomplishments. He tried wiggling out of Dick's arms, a pathetic couple seconds for toddler, and, after a while of struggling, just gave up and instead shifted to fall asleep on Dick's shoulder.

"Aww," the other three boys cooed.

"I didn't know Satanists had the capability of being adorable," Jason said, in the same light, star-struck tone.

"It's so mean, it's cute," Timmy grinned. "Dickie, I wanna go home the JL HQ is boring."

"'K," Dick grinned, forgetting the task at hand and moving forward to shut off the camera.

The camera turned on mere seconds later, carried by someone invisible from the camera's perspective, and showing the same four boys curled together on the couch, obviously asleep.

With a flash of black, the camera shut off.

"Was that...?" Beast Boy said, jaw slacked.

"Yep," Roy smirked, answering his unasked question with complete accuracy.

Robin scowled, "The bastard does have a heart. Would you look at that."

Wally grabbed his hand, in an attempt to calm down the teen, and it worked to no avail.

"So, uh," Wally said, ever so casual, "next video?"

The Troublesome Trioजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें