Her eyes stayed on the floor while she took her crown off of her head, a tired sigh escaping her lips as she closed the door behind her. She looked up when she heard some shuffling, eyebrows sloping downwards as she looked around before looking to her left. Harry was currently crouching in front of the dragon eggs. They were transported back into the chest they were delivered in a day or two ago because keeping them on a fire in the room was hard to manage, and often warmed the room up quite quickly.

"Reina," Harry noticed her standing there, gazing at him with a curious look on her face. "I-I was just keeping candles around our babies."

"Why?" she asked softly, walking towards him and noticing the large, chunky candles that were sitting in the chest around the eggs and outside of it.

"To keep them warm," he told her, as she sat down beside him and helped him light the candles. "Or else they will get cold."

She smiled at his words, wondering how on earth he managed to be so adorable when his alter ego was this cocky, arrogant, sex god. Harry noticed that something different about her, not that she was tired, which was pretty obvious. But she looked down. He assumed that it was probably because she was missing her family, and wasn't fitting in here at the Styles Palace. He had seen the kind of looks people here gave her, including his mother and sister.

He got upset whenever he noticed those looks, because he knew they were thinking of the negative stereotypes the foreigners of Khidos are often associated it. The foreign people of Khidos were often aggressive and violent. For years, they have been bitter that they are isolated from Caunwaiton and are treated like savages, which they acted like for a very long time. Because of this, they often attacked the different kingdoms, murdering innocent people. Plus, because they were not white like the rest of the people of Caunwaiton, they were treated as inferiors. Since they had these negative stereotypes and the fact that they we're coloured, they were treated inferior to black people.

The problem was that these foreign people who were violent and aggressive, and were terrorists only represented a small portion of Khidos. Not every single foreigner was like that. It was only the bitter extremists. The rest of the foreigners were kind and honourable, had true, moral values that were often seen odd in the eyes of the people of Caunwaiton. Reina's mother was one of these people.

But unfortunately it was then negative stereotypes that stayed engraved into the people's heads of Caunwaiton. Even Harry thought of foreigners the same way too as he was brought up to believe those stereotypes. But after meeting Reina and her family, and seeing how kind and honorable they really are. It changed his view completely.

"Are you okay, little dragon?" he murmured quietly as she lit the last candle.

"Hmm?" she hummed in reply, turning to look at him. "Oh I'm perfectly fine, Harry."

There was no sarcasm in her words. He could tell she was lying. But before he could say anything, she excused herself to get ready for bed, standing up and heading over to her chest. She didn't even tease him by undressing in front of him like she had been doing for the past few days. Harry watched her with a pout on his lips as she gathered her nightgown in her hands and headed to the bathroom. Harry decided to get changed while she did, stripping down to a comfortable, cream tunic and braies.

He climbed into bed and waited for her, with the covers pulled up to his chin. She appeared soon enough and began snuffing out the other candles in the room, except for the ones on their bedside tables and the near the dragons eggs. Her feet carried her to the side of the bed where she bent down and blew the candle out before climbing into bed. Harry did the same, leaving them in darkness except for the moonlight that shone through the balcony and the candles near the dragon eggs.

Heavy Crown ♚ H.S [ON HOLD]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora