insecurities -Jiggilytoonz-

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BigJiggilypanda and cartoonz (Jiggilytoonz)

I look at my amazing boyfriend Luke, he's so sexy I can't believe he'd ever want to be with a guy my size. I don't my extra weight, but the looks we get when walk down the street don't exactly help.

"Anthony. You there?" I hear Luke ask.

"Yea I'm just thinking about stuff."

"Anything I should be concerned about?" He asks,

"No. Not unless you count what I want to do with you later." I say trying to cover it up.

"Oh, and what would that be?" He walked over to me putting his hands on my waist.

I force a smile but can't do it. I push Luke off lightly. "I'm sorry I just can't right now."

"What's wrong Babe?"

"I just cant get over you. "

"What do you mean?"

"Look at yourself Luke." I say gesturing to his body. "You're lean and hot as can be. Then I'm just a lard ass."

"You know I love your ass and all its lard" He says jokingly.

"I'm serious Luke."

"So am I. I love you and your body no matter what size you are. You are amazing."


"Anthony. You are perfect. You could loose 100 pounds or gain 100 and id still love you the same."

"Thank you Luke. I love you too."I kiss him softly. " But you know you could slow down on the muscles I want a little time to enjoy yo each step."

"Well see." he says as he kisses me on the lips."

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