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   -=The Next Day=-
I woke up in my own bed and I was so confused. I was just at Noah's apartment yesterday... why would I be here..? I checked my phone and saw it was 2 pm... damn I slept in late. My head was pounding and I felt sick. I saw that I had like hundreds of notifications. I opened up my phone and saw 164 messages, 1376 twitter notifications, 3995 Instagram notifications, and 22 missed calls.
"What the fuck....?" I said silently to myself.."What happened yesterday..?
I first check messages and saw Noah, Victoria, Darach, and some friends had texted me numerous times. I check Noah first, then Darach, then Victoria, then everyone else. They all were worrying about me... some other friends asked about the video...?
What video? I asked myself...
I replied to everyone alerting them that I was perfectly fine... I was about to get out of bed to go to the bathroom but then realized I was in a red dress with a gold belt. "Wtf...?" I said to myself once more. I looked on the floor and saw my gold heels where next to my bed... I was so curious about what happened last night.. I looked through the apps I had open and I saw that snapchat had some notifications too. I saw that I had a story. I looked through the story and I saw that there was a full body pic of Victoria and Darach. Victoria was on her tippy toes to kiss him and she had one leg up. It was cute. She was wearing black heels, a little black dress, had a simple black choker tied on her neck, and her hair was up in a messy pony tail. Darach was just wearing a t-shirt and some skinny jeans like always. I watched the rest and then I saw the last snap which was me with a dog filter and I had a nose bleed, some bruises, and a scratch on me cheek.. the caption was "Oops...✨ My Bad.." I jumped off my bed and went straight to the bathroom.
I groaned at the sight I saw in the mirror... It's true... I did get into a fight..
I put on a little make up to try and hide the bruises and the scratched. It kinds worked... I put my hair into a messy pony tail, put on my gold heels, grabbed my phone and my purse, and left to go to Noah and Darach's house. I got in my car and sighed.... I put my hands on the wheel and buried my face in the wheel..Soon after I got up and just drove to their house.
I knocked on the door and a friendly face opened the door.. it was Noah.. thank god. He smiled and gave me hug. I saw his face was busted up.. ugh what the fuck happened. We hugged as we waddled inside. I looked over and saw Victoria on her phone sitting next to Darach still in her black dress and chocker. Darach had an icepack on his head and his face was all beaten up too. His head was tilted back and he groaned. They both looked up when I entered the room.
"Hey.." Victoria said with a worried look on her face as she got up to hug me, "You okay pumpkin?" She said forcing me to hug her as she pulled me in and mostly just hugged my head.
"Hows your bruises...? You got into a pretty nasty cat fight.."
"Yeah yeah, i'm fine... now is there a a video... of this so called fight?
"Yeah... here watch.." Darach says handing over his phone while he lays his head back down.
It was a vlog that Victoria was making on Darachs phone. It showed me and Victoria sitting on the couch and I left for something so Victoria kept vlogging. Noah had a party at his house for no reason but just to have fun. She paused for a second then switched the phone around and it showed a girl just trying to get with Noah. She kept pulling him closer but Noah just like tried to get away as much as possible. I came back in the camera view and Victoria pointed over at Noah... I looked really mad and I got up and Victoria zoomed in. The girl look disgusted and put one hand on her hip and the other on her side. I looked as if someone just threw my phone. Then she threw the first punch. I then hit her back then all the attention was all on us. Every kept chanting "Fight Fight Fight!!" Over and over again. The fight continued on until her boyfriend came over and pulled me off of her and did it so aggressively.
"DON'T TOUCH HER LIKE THAT" Noah screamed over the loud music. I went back and started pulling her hair and scratching.
"WHY DON'T YOU SHUT IT BRO!" He said getting angry at him. Noah isn't that tall or muscular so he doesn't try and get into fights that often...
...Oh shit...
The girl's boyfriend immediately grew angry and punched Noah pretty hard in the face....
Noah fell unconscious. Darach set his drink down and just punched the guy in the face, while I was fighting the other guy. The guy punched Darach back and he fell but he was still conscious unlike Noah. Victoria gasped and gave the iPhone to a friend that was sitting next to her. They continued recording. Victoria stomped up to the guy and stood in front of him.
"Hi ^~^" Victoria said giving a smile and waving.
"I want you to meet my friend..." Victoria says still smiling. The guy was confused, and then she said "Goodbye ^~^" right after she kneed him right in his area.
You could hear from the crowd. The boyfriend fell to the ground and you could tell he was just in pain.I was still beating the shit out of the girl until she just stopped and I got up. Everyone cheered and people put me on top of their shoulders and they did the same for Victoria.
The video went down and it turned off.
I looked at Noah and Victoria... then at Darach..."Damn..."

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