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-=+•Andrea's POV•+=-
We arrive at Darach and Noah's apartment and they are already standing outside.
"Get in losers, we're going to Vid Con." I said. Victoria was in the back seat and I was obviously the driver.
Darach got in the back and gave Victoria a kiss on her cheek. Noah came in and hugged me and they both put on their seat belts.
We arrived at Vid Con about an hour later. We spent most of the time forcing the boys to sing a long to our "girl music" especially holla back girl.
One of the cutest things was when All Of Me came on my playlist, Noah started recording and Darach starting singing it to Victoria. I started crying actually, it was adorable I couldn't help it.
When we got to Vid Con I made everyone wait in the car so i could fix my make up. We started walking to the door but got stuck in a crowd full of fans. Victoria actually started signing stuff and ended up signing a guys chest lol.
I started to feel a little claustrophobic so I quickly tried to get out and then I tripped. I got so angry and every one just went silent.         Victoria, Noah, and Darach tried to help me up and when I did get up I tried walking out of the mob of people and some guy had the nerve to touch inappropriately. At this point I already wanted to go home. I made it inside and realized that my knees were all scrapped up.
   So I went to the nearest bathroom and washed up. I came out and saw Victoria, Noah, and Darach standing and waiting for me. I walked over and Noah hugged me.
   "Damn, this always happens.. you end up having a bad day just in the start." Victoria said
   "Just my luck" I said
   We walked over to where we had our little table and we set up. We had brought a whole pack of sharpies, ice chest full of Arizona tea and water, a fujifilm camera, a lot of film, and we had a whole stash of candy.
We only brought the camera because we wanted to take pictures a give the fans the pictures.
Noah and Darach had brought a piece a paper So we wrote on it "COME AND GET SIGNATURES, TAKE PICTURES" and then we put our instagram @s and it said to tag us with 2 hashtags that was #Varach #Doah.
   The doors were open and fans came rushing in. The first person that came up to us was a full on fan girl for Darach. She had a shirt that had his face on it, she had darach with a heart written all over herself, and 2 hearts on her face with a D in the middle on her cheeks.
   He signed her shirt giving little giggles with it because it was funny. Then she pulled out her phone and her wallpaper was Darach and so was her phone case. This girl was obsessed. He signed her phone case, and then they took many pictures. She was about to leave then she started crying. I was so scared that she was going to like kidnap Darach after or something lol. When she was leaving she waved bye because she couldn't speak. Darach winked at her jokingly. She went crazy! She cried even more and started screaming that Darach winked at her. She was really dramatic.she looked over again and Victoria held his hand and gave the girl like a death stare and kissed him. The girl immediately stopped crying and started getting mad. She soon stomped away with anger.
   After a couple 100 fans I started getting really tired so I fell asleep on Noah as he continued signing.
   I woke up to the sound of screaming "ANDREA!"
   It was a fan.
   She looked really up tight and I just felt so angry that she did that.
   "Can you stop sleeping and just like... sign my   Note book or whatever?" She said while she was chewing gum and rolled her eyes.
   "Sure I guess.." I replied
   She quickly snatched away her note book just as I was going to sign it and said,"Listen Bitch, I don't have to be here and have you sign this. You aren't even a good youtuber you just think you are. So just sign this with out an attitude bitch." She said
   I smiled and I saw Victoria looking at me like -did she really just say that-
   If I wasnt at Vid Con I would totally just get up and have a total cat fight.
   While I was signing it I saw an instagram @ so I memorized it, it was pretty easy too remember it.
   I handed it back and gave another smile. Then she walked away. After awhile we all had signed a lot of things, we decided to go home. We packed up and headed to the car. We saw the crazy girl sitting on my car.
   "Uhm Hi?" I said
   "OH HIIIIII DARACH!!!!"  She said
   Wow not even say hi back to me...
   "Im sorry but we have to go home can you please move? :)"
   "No! Don't you love me? Don't push me away."
   "What the....." he said back
   "You said you love your fans!!"
   "Thats not the kind of love I mean when I say that... I love Victoria like that.."
   "OH VICTORIAAA, Victoria, Victoria,Victoria" she repeated
   "DONT EVEN START WITH ME VICTORIA!" She said then pulled out a switch blade.
   "Yo what the hell is the knife for?" I said.

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