Letter Three

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'Dear Abigail,

Hey my darling. I can't believe it's been two months since I saw you last. I'm missing more than I could ever imagine. I wish I could hug you every night before I sleep and I wish I could kiss your gorgeous lips.

I'm worry about you missing me, and that you'd most likely cry reading it. But my love, please don't cry. Know that I'm almost there with you. You know I'm always the one who will love you the most, your the one my heart breathes for, I'm sorry that I'm not there to comfort you when you read my letters because I know that'll be crying, and missing me an awful lot because I can't even express how much I miss you everyday. You are the light of my life and you make me so incrediblely happy and I'm so sorry that I'm aware at work.

All my love
Louis xxxxxx'

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