Two Hundred & Twenty Two

15 4 2

Dear Abigail,

My darling,

You're so beautiful, I am so lucky to you in my life. You make me realise how amazing my life is and blessed I am to have someone like you in my life.

The feeling I get when I see you, when you hold my hand and when you kiss my lips - it's indescribable.
You make my insides warm and my body ignite and sparks fly through every nerve in my body.

I love you so much.

All My Love
Louis xoxox


Hey Guys,

Firstly, I would like to apologise for not updating for a few days. I have been really busy and I haven't had five minutes to write anything.

Secondly, I am leaving Australia (my home) for 2 months to go to Ireland and the UK for a holiday. So I will be taking a short break from posting the letters. I will finish the 356 letter total as I originally was doing. I may update occasionally while I am away, but it will be minimal.
Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy my letters.

There is also a surprise coming at the end of the letters :) x

Love to you all, be safe, enjoy life...
I'll be back in 2 months guys! Xx

Mikayla! Xox

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