Namesake - Fifteen

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"Steel, 'Bomb, meet your grandparents." Alice stepped out from in front of the two older adults. Her twins broke out into large grins.



The two shouted happily, their voices mixing. 'Bomb picked up Judy carefully, Steel doing the same with Ron. Alice watched happily as her parents and kids chatted. They got on really well, which was a relief. Deciding to let them get acquainted, Alice chose to leave before any embarrassing stories came up as a topic. Making a quick tactical retreat, the young woman quested to find Mikaela. Unfortunately, Mikaela wouldn't be joining the Witwicky clan. She and Sam had decided, especially after the Pretender incident, that they were better off being friends. Close friends though. Alice would just have to accept that. She would, eventually.

Wandering around a bit, she bumped into Lennox.

"Any new arrivals?" She asked out of habit.

"Yeah, one." He paused looking at her and seeming to be considering something. "You might get along well." The silent, 'Too well,' rang in her ears. Alice perked up, her disgruntlement caused by Sam and Mikaela leaving the forefront of her mind.

"I wanna meet 'em." Lennox immediately backed up.

"You can go find them then. I, on the other hand, am going to relocate myself to the opposite side of the base." Then he walked off. Alice still didn't know exactly why he wanted to be so far away when she met the new 'bot, but she had an inkling of an idea now.

Heading in the opposite direction of the fleeing Major, Alice let her thoughts wander. It had been just over two years since the events of Mission City and her impromptu teen motherhood. She'd become friends with all the bots, and cared even less about her friendless school days then she did before.

Alice fell backwards on her ass as the entire base shook down to its foundations and a loud boom echoed. She winced internally. This probably wasn't the best impression for her parents. Getting back up, she followed the smoke trail cautiously. A minute later her eyebrow disappeared into her hairline (figuratively) as she spotted a small 'bot wedged into the wall.

"Should I call Ratchet?" She asked tentatively. The bot's head fins flashed a bright pink. Probably in embarrassment.

"Probably." He replied after a second. After making the call, Alice noticed the 'bot was missing a limb. After surveying the area she went and retrieved it from the floor. Holding it in both arms, she waited patient until Ratchet appeared following his echoing pede-steps. The chartreuse medic stepped out from behind a corner, a tired expression on his faceplates.

"Wheeljack, I was here literally half a joor ago." The medic half complained half stated. Wheeljack grunted as he was pried from the wall.

"Well I almost had it this time! I don't understand what went wrong!" The white mech exclaimed, wincing. Alice looked at them both, her curiosity piqued.

"What were you making?" She asked, flushing slightly when both of their attentions were instantly on her.

"A solar energon converter, why?" Wheeljack peered at her curiously. Alice blinked in shock. Then she glared at Ratchet and placed her hands on her hips.

"And why does he need to make an energon converter, Ratchet?" She asked accusingly. The medic coughed into his servo.

"We may... be low on supplies. And reserves." He responded nervously. Alice nearly screamed in frustration. She had made an energon converter like that ages ago! She'd told him to tell her when they were running low! Alice took a deep breath.

"Ratchet, can you find the memory of me telling you to tell me if you were running low on energon?" She asked slowly. Ratchet nodded.

"Yes," he affirmed. She pointed at him, voice raised.

"Then why the hell didn't you tell me!? For goodness sake mech, lose a bit of your pride! Now, you're going to take care of Wheeljack and I'm going to get the solar energon converter that I stashed in my quarters." Alice raged and ordered. Then she left, throwing down Wheeljack's arm and storming down the hallways.

Ratchet and Wheeljack were left stunned, standing in the middle of the hallway.

Namesake - Fifteen Continued
Alice dropped off the converter before going to scold Optimus. As leader of the Autobots, the idiot Prime must've known about the energon shortage. Which also meant that he hadn't told her.

Stupid alien robots and their pride. Men. Mechs. They were all the same! Alice continued to rant in her head as she stalked the corridors. She fumed as she entered the communications hangar. There Optimus stood, his optics flickering towards her furious form. He knew he was in trouble.

Alice walked up the stairs onto the walkway, continuing until she was nearly face to faceplates with the blue and fire decal mech.

"So... an energon shortage huh?" She asked casually. The mech had the decency to look ashamed. "Any reason why I wasn't told?"

Optimus' optics dimmed as he replied, "I didn't want to bother you."Alice tried to reign in her temper, she really did. But this mech. A second passed.

"You hypocrite! Optimus Prime your burdens are not burdens to me! I want to help you guys! I hate standing around being useless when I want to help! Next time something like this happens, please tell me. You guys are my family, and family takes care of family." The young woman had begun with screaming, but ended with a soft plea. She hated being angry at those she cared for. The leader of the Autobots looked at her form softly.

"I will, Alice." His voice echoed strongly throughout the room. Alice nodded and gave a teary-eyed smile.

"Thanks Optimus," Alice mumbled. Now she was mentally exhausted. Feeling anger always made her feel this way. Probably because of the rush of adrenaline. She didn't notice that Optimus had set her on his shoulder plate until she was automatically snuggling into his neck/shoulder cables.

Her eyelids drifted downwards. It didn't take her long to leave the conscious realm.

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