Namesake - Two

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          "All right, Mojo. I got the car. Now I need the girl. Which means I need money to take out the girl. That's exactly what I need... Zero bids." Alice watched her brother exhale disappointedly with morbid fascination as he checked something on his computer. "Great. Broke." Alice stood from her spot on his bed.

"It's amazing how vulnerable you are when you forget I'm in the room." She commented. Sam shrieked, falling out of his chair.

"So who's this girl? Is it Mikaela still? Mr. Second Grade Stalker?" She asked rapid fire. Sam's expression quickly grew panicked.

"How do you remember that?!" Alice's eyes lit up, delighted.

"So you were stalking her! I'm so glad that you didn't deny it!" Sam spluttered, but Alice had already flounced from his room by the time he was ready to formulate any type of response. Alice flew down the stairs, leaving the house through the front door and heading towards Bumblebee.

When they had gotten home the previous night, Alice had been unable to finish the waxing part of her clean up. Her mother had decided that it was way too dark. Alice had pouted intensely but Judy was saved by Sam strong arming her into the house. The canister of car wax gleamed in the morning sun, Bumblebee's paint gleaming as well now that he had a fresh coat of paint and the rusty parts were cleaned.

"Alright Bumblebee, time for the last part of your reward." She stated, and began to apply the wax. She worked studiously for an hour straight, refusing to stop 'massaging' Bumblebee until she was completely satisfied.

"You know, I could've helped," Sam said, standing by her exhausted form in the driveway. Alice was currently chugging some water. She set the glass down and swallowed, wiping her mouth.

"You don't know how to care for a car yet." Sam gave her a deadpan look.

"You own a motorcycle." Alice looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"I work part time at an auto shop. Did you think I would learn nothing after three years?" She asked. Sam blinked, then shook his head.

"Let's just ignore that bout of stupidity and move on. Do you mind if Miles comes?" Alice turned to look sharply at her brother.

"Do you want him eaten alive?" Sam shook his head.

"Then don't bring him. The kinds of people that hang out with Trent, aside from Mikaela of course, are not nice to people with quirks like Miles." She advised him. Alice stood and headed for the house.

"I'm going to go change," she shouted over her shoulder, "Put the wax in my room please!" With that Alice was in the house.

"Damn. Forgot my water." She muttered. Shrugging her shoulders she ascended the stairs and went to her room. Already stripping. She changed into her usual cargo shorts and tank top. Adding in her studs and cuffs in her ears, Alice was ready to crash a party. The teen froze, then snatched her survival knife from her drawer and strapped it to her thigh. Now, she was ready. She left her room in high spirits, smiling as she exited the front door. Bumblebee sat in the afternoon sunshine, shining. Alice smiled, pleased with herself.

"Whelp, let's go watch my brother make fool of himself. It'll be fun." She said to the Camaro. Then she went around and opened the shotgun door, clicking her tongue at Sam's forgetfulness.

"I swear you're going to get stolen someday because he forgets to actually lock you." Alice slid inside the new looking well worn leather seat and buckled up. She slid her crocs off like at Bobby's and put her feet on the seat, reclining its back and laying down. Bumblebee was damn comfortable. Sam wouldn't mind her taking a nap...

          Alice woke to the sun setting, Ron yelling at Sam, and Sam yelling back.

"It's family grass, Dad." And boom. The perfect cue to tune out the following conversation.

"Thanks for letting me sleep peacefully Bumblebee. Yah really are sugah sweet." She smiled and yawned, righting the back of the seat to where she could only sit up or lean back a bit. She set her feet back down and slid on her crocs.

"Heaven knows I couldn't sleep on my Harley like I did with you," Alice continued and slumped into the chair, "Damn comfortable." Sam took this moment to get into the Camaro. He slid in and slammed the door closed.

"Have a nice nap?" Her twin asked curiously. Alice hummed softly.

"Yes, yes I did, car abuser." Sam sighed at her response.

"I did not abuse the Camaro." He protested weakly. Alice narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms, sitting up.

"You just slammed the car door. Again. Don't you understand the better care you give your car the better they'll function? Take care of your car and it will last far longer than average." She lectured him, brows furrowing.

"Okay, fine. Just lay off already." He tried to placate Alice and get her off his case. She huffed, but left him alone. Resting her arm on the outcrop of the door, she began to tap out the beat to 'I Love It Restrung.' She looked out the window as Sam drove watching passively as the scenery rolled by. The beginning to the song she'd been tapping slowly crept into her ears. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Bumblebee's radio flicker on, the words 'XM Radio' running across the small pixelated screen. She wondered if Sam had turned it on without her noticing, unaware that Sam was thinking the same thing about her. A small grin spread across her lips. When the song ended, she began tapping 'This Little Girl.' A second later the station changed, and the song was playing. Alice blinked, so it wasn't Sam. Was the Camaro haunted? Did the ghost like her? Alice broke herself from her thoughts when she noticed that they'd stopped in front of Miles' house.

"Sam?" She questioned, fingers automatically tapping the beat of the next song in her usual playlist. And just like the last two times, 'Umbrella' began playing from the radio's speakers. She was instead answered by Miles, who'd opened the back passenger seat and entered the Camaro.

"I appreciate your concern Cheshire, but I'll be fine," Miles informed her, throwing her a large smile. Alice nodded in defeat, shrugging her shoulder.

"I guess you'll just get to show them that you don't give two shits about what they think." She said. Miles snorted, covering his mouth and nose with his hands.

"Mr. Witwicky finally cursed in front of you, didn't he?" Miles asked rhetorically, laughing even harder when Sam nodded glumly.

"It was my fault, too," Sam and Miles snapped their seatbelts closed. "Let's go crash a lake party." And then they were off, Alice silently requesting songs via finger tapping from the maybe-ghost maybe-giant metal alien and Sam chatting quietly with Miles as he drove. The second option had come to Alice after she figured that ghosts really probably didn't exist and the chance that they weren't alone in the universe was far greater.

They parked on the side of the road that lead to and passed the lake, the sounds of roaring music and chattering bimbos already flooding in as Sam opened his door. Alice herself decided to stay in Bumblebee and watch as Sam and Miles made fools of themselves.

"If Sam ever wants to snag Mikaela he's gonna need some major help," She muttered as she watched him awkwardly stumble through the conversation between him, Trent, and Mikaela. What the fuck? Alice's jaw dropped at the sight of Miles hanging from the limbs of a tree. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Fucking idjits. Alice shook her head and transferred her position to the back seats. She was still tired and had no plans to leave the Camaro, so why not sleep? She pulled off her crocs and set them on the floor, stretching out in the back seat. These were the moments she was glad that she was short.

She drifted, the corner of her lips turning upwards at Miles' Eskimo kiss goodbye. He was like a surrogate brother, he knew she was a tactile sort of person. She faintly registered Mikaela's voice and a brief pause in Sam's driving.

All in all, it was pretty good day.

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