Namesake - One

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Alice slumped into her seat, resting her chin on her propped up hand. It was the last class of the day, but because it was project week it lasted two periods longer than normal. Ugh.

"Samuel Witkicky, you're up next," she heard Mr. Hosney call up her twin. She scoffed and muttered an automatic correction.

"It's Witwicky." Sam walked up to the front of the class, then began speaking. It was easy to tune him out. Alice was startled from her thoughts by the bell. Quickly she grabbed her already packed bag and stood, leaving and waving at a preoccupied Sam. Probably trying to raise his grade. Nimbly dodging Trent and his deplorable friends, Alice pecked Mikaela on the cheek before stepping out of the school.

They were practically sisters, it wasn't odd for them to be affectionate towards each other. Alice popped open her father's truck's side door, stepping inside. Ron looked over at her.

"Where's Sam?" She grinned cheerily at him.

"Desperately sucking up to and pleading for Mr. Hosney to raise his grade."

"O-kay..." he trailed off, still not used to his daughter's slightly  mostly non-lethal sadistic tendencies after ten years. Alice nodded at him before turning to shut the car door. She blinked.

"There he is." She stated bluntly, as her spastic twin made his way hyperly and eagerly to the truck. Sam threw open the car door, any form of respect he might've had for the vehicle that catered him everywhere forgotten in the light of the sheet being waved ruthlessly in the air by his fist and arm.

"Yes! Yes, yes!" The teen exclaimed as he slid into the shotgun seat. Alice rolled her eyes. He probably pulled the never failing, "What would Jesus do?" trick.

"So?" Their father asked, gaze shifting from Alice to Sam.

"A minus. It's an A, though." Her brother replied excitedly, shoving the paper into Ron's face. Their father tried to make out the red marking at the top, eventually just grabbing it from Sam's jittery grasp.

"Wait, wait, wait! Sam let me actually see the damn paper!" He looked at the sheet and gave an approving noise. Alice on the other hand was looking at her father in awe.

"You actually cursed. You honest to God cursed. I"m so proud," she praised bluntly. The two men looked at her in horror, Ron only then realising the severity of what he'd just done. Now she could curse, freely. Alice beamed. The Sam chanced a look at where they were going.

"No, Dad. Please don't." Alice giggled madly as their father pulled into the Porsche dealership only to exit it after a full round. Sam really shouldn't have expected anything else. "You're horrible. Both of you." Sam complained, pouting and crossing his arms.

"What? Can't appreciate an old man's humour?" Sam looked away. Glaring at the window and mimicking Ron rudely. Alice almost laughed. She sat back, completely relaxed. This was Sam's problem, he was the one who wanted a car. He was just too lazy to earn enough for the one he actually wanted. They'd learned a long time ago that their father was a cheapass motherfucker. Even if he was a banker. Waste not, want not, and all that. Alice just thought that their mum had only said that to aussage their annoyance. It worked, if only slightly in her own case.

"You knew that there was no way I was going to get you a Porsche. Do you even know how much those things cost? A lot more than four thousand I'll tell you that," Ron informed Sam with a chuckle. Alice chose that moment two add in her own two cents.

"He's right Sam. He said he would only pay exactly what you earned. Since you only got two thousand, you can only get a four thousand dollar car." Sam huffed before letting his arms drop and turning back to the windshield.

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