Namesake - Seven

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          "It's Starscream!" Alice recognised the black bot's voice. So, based on his tone the jet was a 'Con. Bugger. She backed up quickly, watching as Ratch and the black bot picked up an abandoned eighteen-wheeler. A boom echoed, the blast of what was probably a missile hitting the truck throwing Alice to the ground. She stood shakily, the Nokia bots shook at their new placement in between her boobs. Luckily she'd landed on her back so they were fine. She coughed from the dust, eyes catching 'Bee's felled form.

"'Bee!" She screamed his name, clutching the Allspark with one arm as she ran to him. His legs had been blown clear off. She looked around, the humans slowly recovering as the dust and fog cleared.

"Ratch!" She yelled the chartreuse bot's name, knowing that he was probably the medic. He had been the one to scan her after all. Said bot jogged over, careful to avoid the soldiers.

"Bumblebee," he breathed in horror. Alice looked up at him from her position next to 'Bee's head.

"Is there any way you can reattach his legs?" Ratch shook his head, running scans.

"Not quick enough for him to participate in this battle. Not only that, even if I could he would more than likely rip the welds while running. Bumblebee will have to sit this one out." He told her. Alice hugged the side of 'Bee's head tightly.

"Don't do anything stupid," She whispered. Then she let go and speed walked to where Sam was conversing with Lennox.

"Where's the Allspark?" The captain asked.

"I have them." Alice spoke up from behind the two. Lennox looked back to Sam.

"I need you to do this Sam. Take the flare and the Allspark and go." Her twin looked panicked, running his fingers through his hair repeatedly as sweat ran down his brow. Alice gripped his upper arm.

"You can do this Sam." Sam's eyes didn't change from panic and fear.

"No, I can't! Lennox is much more qualified I'm just an awkward teen-" The captain didn't let him finish that sentence.

"You're a soldier now! Get out there and fight for your world! Bring the Cube and shoot the flare!" Her brother's eyes hardened in resolve. She mentally patted Lennox on the back. He convinced Sam, a hard thing to do with that harsh stubbornness of his. Alice handed the Allspark to Sam and saluted him with a grin.

"Go get 'em tiger." Sam nodded and turned to begin running.  Alice caught Lennox's attention.

"I'm going to need a gun, Captain." He turned to her, eyes concerned.

"You were shot," He protested. Alice shot him a glare.

"Shot. Not dead, yet. I can and will fight for my planet. I'm gonna need a gun Captain. Otherwise, I'll just use my knife." She retorted, dead set. Lennox nodded, submitting.

"Fine." Alice grin was back on her face as she hefted the sniper rifle she'd pilfered from Lennox after handing Sam the Allspark.

"Thanks Cap." Lennox shocked expression was a thing of gold. His hand reached towards his back, hitting nothing but air.

"Fucking hell," Lennox cursed. Alice winked at him before noticing that the short silver bot had already disappeared. She dashed off, following the directions that would lead to his would be deathbed. She arrived just in time. She hid beneath a flipped car, lining up the shot using the handy dandy scope sniper rifle's are usually equipped with.

"You wanna piece of me?" The bot yelled advancing on Megatron. The 'Con grabbed him, preparing to tar him apart.

"No, I want-" Alice cut him off.

"YO MEGAWHOZITS!" She yelled, then shot twice, cracking and destroying the 'Con's red bullseye eyes. He dropped the bot. Alice abandoned the sniper where it was, bobbing and weaving in between overturned cars and chunks of destroyed buildings. Megatron roared in pain. Alice smirked, face grim as she ran away towards the silver bot.

"Megatron!" Perfect, Optimus was back in action. Alice was happy to hear the boss bot's voice but was more concerned with the silver bot than anything else at the moment. The older teen finally made it to the now standing bot's side.

"That took guts, shortie." Alice shrugged her shoulders.

"Name please? You told Sam and Mikaela, but I don't know shit." Alice basically begged. It may have been the end of the world but she could've used some introductions. The bot chuckled.

"Designation's Jazz little lady." Alice nodded, surveying their surroundings.

"Alright Jazzy boy, now that I've prevented you from being in two separate pieces, what have you learned?" Jazz was silent, instead looking extremely embarrassed.

"Not to face evil warlords without backup. Good, now you won't do it again. Let's get to the others." She said for him, beginning to walk.

"Let meh give yah a lift lil' lady." She felt a giant hand envelope her sides, lifting her up. Alice blinked. Huh. Nifty. Jazz moved swiftly and gracefully through the city, and a few minutes passed before Alice again heard the sounds of fighting grow louder.

"Get ready," Jazz warned. Alice didn't get the chance to respond, they were already back into the fray. At some point Alice had been transferred to his shoulder, the human girl using her survival knife to injure any 'Con that got to close by gracefully hopping from Jazz's frame to theirs and back again. When the battle ended, Alice and Jazz didn't notice.

This was because they'd finished off most the 'Con's in their area and were currently debating whether or not the other was suicidal.

"Jazz, yah literally attacked a warlord. Yah know, tha one thah can go toe tah toe wit Optimus?" Jazz looked at her affronted.

"Yeah and? Ah'm his size. Yah were just hoppin' aroun' Cybertronians more than triple yer size!" Alice crossed her arms.

"Does it look like ah'm dead?" Jazz's visor flashed.

"No, because o'meh!" Alice glared.

"And you're alive cause o'meh! Yah went in wit absolutely no known back up!" Jazz went to retort but then yells began permeating the air.



The two winced, turning to look back at each other.

"Let's just agree tah disagree, kay?" Alice suggested. Jazz agreed.

"Shore shorty. Now let's get goin' before they start losin' their helms." He placed Alice back on his shoulders, who then slipped under one of his cables, sitting against his neck. Jazz began moving, and soon enough they were back where they'd began.

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