Namesake - Eight

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          "Greetings tiny flesh bags and giant ass alien robots! We're back from the dead!" Alice exclaimed, moving from her secure position and standing on Jazz's shoulder. Bots and humans alike turned to stare.

"ALICE!" Another distant, but now much closer shout. Alice realised it was Sam.

"AH'M OVAH HERE!" She hollered back, politely making sure she was a good distance from Jazz's head. She didn't know where his 'ears' were, so she made a safe guess. Sam, Mikaela, and Optimus were soon seen heading towards them, Siders and the golden bot that looked like him a couple of steps behind. Alice grinned widely.

"Sam! Kaela! Siders! It's good to see you still alive and kicking." She greeted them from Jazz's shoulder. The two humans looked up, spotting her on Jazz's shoulder. Alice ran across its short expanse before backflipping off and climbing down like a monkey. She hit the ground running. She stopped in front of Sam.

"Sammy! Guess what I did!" She demanded, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Sam sighed in long-suffering.

"Alice, you didn't." Her grin grew impossibly bigger, resembling that of the Cheshire Cat she'd been nicknamed after.

"I totally did," she singsonged happily, "All of our enemies were legally blind before they bit the dust!" Sam groaned and hung his head. Mikaela elbowed Sam in the side.

"What does she mean by that?" Sam lifted his head.

"She means she was a reckless idiot who used her survival knife to visually impair each and every Decepticon she came across." Alice huffed irritably.

"Now Sam, I wasn't stupid enough to get that close to the giant evil robot warlord. Unlike a certain music genre that I know. I shot Megawhozits with a sniper rifle. From a very good distance." Sam took this opportune moment to facepalm. Repeatedly.

"My sister," another hit, "My fucking younger twin," once more, "Is suicidal." Alice romped her foot, crossing her arms underneath her chest.

"I am not! I took very special care not to get in an extremely dangerous situation. Otherwise, the Nokiabots would've gotten hurt!" Alice was only a little frustrated. Mikaela's eyes lit up in recognition.

"Those two little Cybertronian babies that you saved from being killed by Simmons? Where are they?" Alice flushed. "Well?" With as much dignity as she could muster, which wasn't a lot, she pulled the Nokias from their place in between her boobs. They woke, crawling up her arms and shoulders, settling next to her neck.

"Thanks Mikaela, for that embarrassment." Mikaela was speechless, just as she had been when Alice showed where the Nokias had been resting. The two were relatively human in shape, looking like copies of each other. The only difference was the Nokiabot that had used to be Alice's bore a bright glossy cherry red paint job. With that Alice turned around, walked into Lennox's stunned chest, and screamed. Then she took a step back.

"Thank you." Then she turned back to Mikaela and the others.

"If you ever mentioned what just happened... you will not like the consequences." Alice used the tone that promised extreme pranking. Sam swore at the lost chances of teasing.

"Aww, but Alice—" She didn't let Sideswipe finish his sentence.

"Will paint you the ugliest shade of burnt orange she can find if you even think about it." Sideswipe visibly shuddered this time. Alice smiled pleasantly. Looking to Optimus she nodded in respect.

"Prime," She said politely. Then she left them, going back to Jazz. She stopped in front of the short silver bot.

"Ratch is probably with 'Bee right? Could you take me to them?" Jazz grinned.

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