Namesake - Six

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          Alice followed closely as Simmons and Banachek lead them quickly from the store room, towards the sound of pained electronic moaning. As soon as they entered the room, Alice bee-lined for 'Bee's strapped down form. Vaguely she understood that Simmons was ordering the S-7 agents and scientists to stop, but she was more concerned about 'Bee than anything that had to do with that asshat.

"Stand by, stand by!" Came the muted shout of one of one of the agents.

"No, no! Stop! You got to stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!" Sam's clear, panicked screams.

"No, no, stop, stop, stop!" Banachek's echo practically silent in the face of a nearly frozen Bumblebee. The alien robot that let her choose the music, let her pamper him, let her take all the damn naps she wanted. The alien robot she didn't even know existed but cared enough about her and her brother to protect them.

"You got to let him go! Let him go! You okay?" Sam was a few feet behind her, as she got as close to Bumblebee as she could. Alice was in shambles. How could they have done this to 'Bee? An electronic noise came from 'Bee as he sat up.

"They didn't hurt you, right?" Sam, you slow, oblivious idiot. Of course they did. 'Bee growled, deep and rolling electronic noises emitting from his chest.

"'Bee." Alice whispered. The bot's head snapped towards her, baby blue eyes wide in disbelief. A second later and he had scooped her off the floor, clutching her protectively to his chest.

"Listen to me. The Cube is here and the Decepticons are coming." 'Bee's attention turned to Sam, before his free hand changed into a giant version of the Nokia's blasters, the yellow and black mech swinging it in a wide arc at the surrounding men and woman. He growled again. Alice was unsurprised to feel this one, his chest rumbling into the entire left side of her body. Sam glanced at Lennox and his soldiers.

"No, no, don't worry about them. They're okay. Right? They're not gonna hurt you." When 'Bee adjusted his grip, Alice squeaked.

"'Bee you are currently carrying two children of your race, as well as me so be super careful." She whispered. She knew that 'Bee would be able to hear her just fine. 'Bee's growl changed into a half purr, but remained on the defensive.

"Just back up a little bit. He's friendly. He's fine. Okay, come on. Put the guns down. They're not gonna hurt you." Sam told the others, taking a step back as well so Bumblebee could stand up fully. 'Bee beeped questioningly at Sam.

"Here, come with me. I'm gonna take you to the Allspark." Her brother motioned for 'Bee to follow him, unaware of sid bot's soft awed squealing. Alice thought it was cute. 'Bee easily followed Sam to the Allspark chamber, the others following except for Lennox's team. They were easily keeping up with the bot's huge stride by jogging. 'Bee approached the Allspark slowly, the hand that had been a blaster long transformed back. He reached slowly for the Allspark, causing a small lightshow. Alice was too numb to notice the energy that arced to the back of her neck.

"Ah, okay, here we go. He's doing something. He's doing something." She barely heard Epps say his worried sentences, somehow partly asleep in 'Bee's grasp.

"Whoo!" Sam whooped as the Allspark transformed into a smaller version of itself and floated softly into Bumblebee's open palm.

"Oh my God." Alice clicked her tongue. Her friend really needed to get used to the unbelievable, it was starting to show up at consistent hours at any rate. 'Bee turned to others, Alice now able to see most of them through the gap in 'Bee's fingers.

"Message from Starfleet, Captain. Let's get to it." Alice smiled at the usage of Star Trek audio. She would turn 'Bee into a scy-fi geek, just watch.

"He's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar. Mission City is twenty two miles away. We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." Lennox stated, obviously already having gone over every possible option in the short time that they had. Gov-soldier dude nodded and smiled grimly.

"Good! Right!"

"But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force." Lennox informed everyone, a plan clearly in his eyes.

"This place must have some kind of radio link!" Gov-soldier looked slightly frantically at Simmons and Banachek.

"Yes!" Gov-soldier nodded at Simmons who'd given the swift response.

"Shortwave, CB!" He demanded sharply.

"Right! Yes!" Lennox looked at Gov-soldier in the eyes, speaking quickly.

"Sir, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them. Let's move!" Lennox started ordering his men to prep the available vehicles. Alice let the rest of the conversation go, already knowing that she wasn't going to go with anybody on that endeavor. Most likely Maggie and Glen.

"All right, Sam, get it in the car! Mister Secretary! Get our birds in the air. When we get to the city, we're gonna find a radio, and I'll have Epps vector them in, okay?" The now titled Secretary nodded at Lennox curtly. They didn't have time for anything else, Alice knew.

"Affirmative!" The Secretary said in a quick response. Alice was lost as to what the rest of the conversation was as she had entered 'Bee's Camaro form. She instantly noticed that it was a newer model, but still looked to have been cleaned and waxed by herself. She grinned, pleased. Sam sat in the driver's seat, Mikaela, shotgun. Alice herself was in the back holding the Allspark, her two Nokias snuggled as close as they could get.

Soon enough they were speeding out of Hoover Dam, quickly advancing on Mission City. The highway they drove on was crowded and Alice was already cringing at what that meant. Death, because of their pursuers.

"Cube's okay?" Alice huffed at the term. Mikaela looked behind her seat at the back, seeing Alice clutching the Allspark protectively.

"Yeah, it's fine." Alice again, huffed.

"Yes, the Allspark is safely within my care, whether they are an 'it' is entirely up to the chance that they might not have any intelligence, which I highly doubt." She sassed them. She couldn't help it nor did she actually really care.

"Put the seat belt on it." Alice ignored her brother, holding the cube tighter to her stomach. Suddenly her vision blanked out, instead showing a vision of the short silver bot being torn apart by Megatron. Alice held in her growl. She wanted to get to know the bots better. No way was she going to let that happen. The vision disappeared and she was back to seeing the windshield.

The older teen discreetly checked if her survival knife was still in her shorts. She grinned triumphantly a minute later. Megatron didn't know what was coming to him.

"There's Optimus!" Alice looked out 'Bee's window to see a Peterbilt with the same paint job as the leader bot's bi-pedal form. So she had guessed correctly. A few minutes passed as they drove down the highway. Alice jerked at the sight of one of the police car's words on the side.

"No, no, no, no, no," Sam chanted, seeming to have caught the sight of the same car.

"What?" Mikaela asked frantically, looking at Sam.

"It's the same cop! Block 'em, block 'em, block 'em." Alice's attention was moved from the cop to the sound of roaring behind them, where Optimus was. The sounds of moving metal and pistons alerted her to Optimus' transformation. Optimus began battling the unknown 'Con, slowly making him move closer to the edge of the highway.

"Prime!" The 'Con roared, the sound filling Alice's ear from 'Bee's open window. They brawled for a few more seconds before Optimus grabbed the 'Con's shoulders and tackled him over the side of the highway. Alice tried to comfort herself with the fact that Optimus knew how to take care of himself. She barely knew the bots, but they were risking their lives to save her planet. That warranted at least some care besides her quickly growing attachments.

They were soon in the city, stopping a little ways in. They exited Bumblebee, said bot transforming as soon as they were clear. Alice looked up to the sounds of a jet engine, absently noting that the other bots had arrived. Wait a sec, that jet was way too low...

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