33. master plan

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Sitting in the dojo in the total darkness and just meditating was always something that I liked to do. While my brothers were having fun, running all around in the lair, I preferred to sit down and meditate. That was just how I was and I'm still that person now. That is just how I think.

Some of us, like Donnie for instance, think with some facts in front of their eyes. They just sit there with a sheet of paper and try to figure something out. Personally, all of it happens in my head. For establishing a plan, I need silence, darkness and concentration. My brain does all the work, while I let go of my body. I'm playing all types of scenarios in my brain like a tree of possibility and once I find the good branch and that I know that it's going to end well, that is when I know that my plan is ready to go.

For now, I am still at the second branch. Which way do we have to enter Shredder's lair? Back, front, under or on top? Then, I have to think about what we do inside. Do we create a distraction or do we stay together and just go in? Once we are with Shredder and sensei, what do we do? Do we attack only Shredder and one of us occupy Splinter?

This must be one of the most complicated plan I have ever made. There is so much situations that could go wrong and only one is sure at 100% to be successful. I just have to find it if it exists. Of course, there might be some sacrifices along the way but we have to deal with them.

The day passed really fast. In no time, I knew that it was night and soon enough, day again. I was getting hungry and tired but my master plan was almost finished. The deal is that right now, I just need to take a break. I don't want to; I need to.

I slowly got up to my feet, making sure my blood was circuling perfectly in my legs before I could walk out of the dojo.

I opened the door and I was surprise by the ambiance of the lair. It was so calm! All I could hear was the TV in the living room. Once my eyes were adjust to the new light, I walked out in silence, not wanting to disturb this ambiance that was so refreshing.

I slowly went to the kitchen and I grabed a slice of pizza that was laying in the fridge. I putted it in the microwave and I went to sit on a chair of the kitchen table. I then putted my hands on my head to support it. I had one hell of a migraine that I haven't notice before. Only this time, it wasn't cause by my powers, but only by me overthinking.

-Leo! Said someone behind me that I quickly indentify as Donnie.

-Hey! I said turning around.

-How was the thinking? Are you done yet?

-It was... Instructive? And no I'm not done. I have only the last part of the plan to figure out and then, I'm done. I just needed a break.

-I can see that. You look like a zombie.

-Thanks. I said sarcasticly.

Our conversation was interrupted by the biping of the microwave. I got up, took my pizza out and I started to eat it.

-Well, I was only coming here to get a glass of water so I'm going to go back to the lab. So good luck with the rest of the plan.

Donnie smiled as he gave me an amical punch on the shoulder as he got passed me.

I finished to eat my pizza and I quickly got back to the dojo, already feeling way better.

When I entered back in the dojo, I saw it again. Master Splinter's spirit.

"Leonardo" it says. I answered by nodding my head. "Do not go in Shredder's lair. I will kill you my son and myself my son. I don't want to lose you."

I was shocked. He will kill me... Is that how it will end? By our death? How absurd is that!

"Sensei, you know thay we need to get rid of Shredder." i say. "I know Leonardo. But I also know that you will die in this fight and the blood will be on my hands before Shredder kill me." he says with no apparent emotions. "How do you know that?" i ask. "I'm a spirit Leonardo. I know what my body will do"

What should I do now? I know that I have the power to bring somebody back to life, but I can't loose Splinter for myself! But my brothers need me! Can I bring two people to life at the same time? Probably not but I can't just decide!

I will do both. I don't care how but I will. We will kill Shredder and neither Splinter or me will die in the process. That is my final decision.

As I said those words in my head, Splinter deseapered in front of my eyes, like if he understood me.

I didn't had to sit back on the floor to get the rest of the plan. It's like I already knew what to do. I quickly got out of the dojo and went directly to bed, not knowing if it was night or day. I need to rest a little and then we will go kill Shredder for once and for all.

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