=[Chapter 12]=

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~Dinolight's POV~

Darling, you will keep that sword from
Prime won't you?

Megatron asks sweetly through our bond, though it doesn't seem sincere.

If you think I'm giving it to you then you've got another thing coming.

I see... then I invite you to stay
on the Nemeses with me. The autobots
seem to be hunting you down.


Something about that pretty sword of yours~.

He coos. I roll my optics.

I should just rid this planet of this
relic. It's messing with my T-Cog.
I can't transform to my bipedal or my alt.

Then you are unable to communicate other than through bonds.

It also means I'm gonna need a ground bridge. No transforming means no flight.

Stay where you are. I'll have Soundwave send a ground bridge to your current coordinates.

Not long after Bucket Head says this, a ground bridge appears. I don't make an entrance this time knowing that my presence as well as my cargo is appealing enough. I walk through and find myself in the control room of Megatron's warship.

I look to Soundwave who stands next to Megatron as a smiley appears on his visor, causing me to lightly snort from amusement. I lightly nudge him with my muzzle in an attempt to say hello. Then I look to Megatron and come close with my muzzle. He smirked deviously thinking I was going to press my muzzle against him like I had when I had awoken from my offlining experience.

Instead, I knock him over. He lands on the ground with a thud and a grunt as I bay playfully. The doors to the control room slide open revealing Knockout and Breakdown chattering on about Primus knows what. I release a somewhat quiet bellow to gain their attention.

"Dinolight?" Knockout questions. I chirp and turn to the partners as they come running my way. They stop in front of me.

"She's not usually like this," Breakdown motions to my prehistoric stature. "In the Nemeses, right?" I attempt to transform again to demonstrate why I haven't already. It's as if my T-cog is dead.

"That's not good," Knockout states as he crosses his arms and leans his weight to one pede.

"It's the Star Saber. It's doing something to her T-cog," Megatron tells them.

"I'm sure I could fix that," Knockout says as he takes a step forward. I immediately take a defensive stance and growl viciously. He stops short with wide optics.

"She also won't let anyone have it," Megatron finishes.

I'm going. I can handle myself. I'm
better equipped this way anyways.

Then leave, but I will be keeping an optic
on you. I will know if anything happens.

Then you'll see how well I fight!

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