=[Chapter 3]=

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~3rd Person POV~

As Dinolight drives through the town slowly, she realizes how much she needs a recharge so she finds an open garage that seems to be empty. She quietly rolls in and parks herself there for the night. Little does she know she isn't alone.

"Optimus," Ratchet calls the Prime over.

"What is it, Ratchet?" He asks his old friend.

"It seems Dinolight and Arcee are together," he says with a surprised tone.

"Her signal came back?" Optimus questions.

"It did a few minutes ago," the medic answers. The prime only nods.

"I will go to their location and keep watch. I doubt Dinolight will harm Arcee," Optimus explains.

"Then why do you need to go?" Ratchet questions.

"We need Dinolight," Optimus transforms and drives out of the base, heading straight for Jack's house. The prime activates his com link. "Bumblebee, Bulkhead, I need you to accompany me at Jack's house."

"What's goin' on, Optimus?" Bulkhead starts. "Is everything okay?"

"Dinolight seems to have taken refuge in Jack's home," Optimus explains.

"Why do you need us?" Bulkhead questions.

"When the sun rises, we will escort Dinolight to a ground bridge," prime explains his plan. As Optimus parks in front of Jack's house, an all too familiar alien plane transforms and lands in the boy's backyard.

~Dinolight's POV~

A sudden thud awakens me from my recharge. As I back out of the garage I had found, I notice a familiar eighteen wheeler parked in the street.

"Dinolight!" A different familiar voice calls out. I transform to my dino-form and send a loud roar in return. I notice the yellow muscle car accompanied by the green armored truck rolling down the street. A set of headlights turn on from the garage I had been in. The dark blue motorcycle rolls out. I sigh in disappointment as they had all gathered here.

Why? Why are you all here?!

Megatron stands tall in the backyard of the house I stand in front of. I release a low growl as we lock optics. I take a defensive stance.

"Dinolight!" He calls again, standing his ground. "I do not wish to fight you!"

Woah, Bucket Head, you alright?

My head tilts in confusion and the low growl comes to a stop. He smiles, knowing he has gotten my attention. I stand straight.

"I only wish for you to join me!" He holds out a servo. I immediately snort in rejection. His smile weakens.

He wants me with him so I'm not a threat. I'm not stupid, Bucket head.

"Please, come and speak to me!" He brings his servo back to his side. I roar loudly in protest and snort afterwards, frosted air blowing from my nostrils. The lights in the house that sit between Megatron and I begin to turn on and a human boy comes running through the front door. I quickly yet gently grab him in between my teeth as to not hurt the poor child. I set him next to the prime.

"Worried for the humans I see?" He mocks. My growl returns. His smug look turned to one of worry.

"He's afraid of her?" I hear the boy ask the prime.

"As am I," the prime admits. I look at him for a moment before turning back to Bucket Head.

"You overpower us all and you know it!" Megatron continues. He holds his servo out again. "Join me and have an entire army bend at your will!"

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