=[Chapter 9]=

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~3rd Person POV~

It's been months since Dinolight has made any real contact with the bots or cons. She's been exploring the world and every now and again catches a glimpse of decepticon shenanigans. She also very rarely sees decepticon minions fly over her. She knows Megatron is keeping watch over her and she doesn't mind.

Dinolight finds herself driving around some rocky-looking terrain. Some of the mountainous structures are active volcanoes. Dinolight has yet to come across active volcanoes and finds herself transforming and exploring the intriguing land masses.

She attempts walking up the side of the volcano in her Cybertronian form and quickly finds it too steep to climb. She switches her alt mode and flies to the top, perching herself on the lip of the volcano. She looks into the molten rock and quickly decides it's too dangerous to stay around. The heat is already getting to her.

A faint buzzing is heard from the skies. Dinolight has yet to encounter an insecticon on Earth and is confused by the new sound. She looks up to see a group of five flying overhead. She focuses her sight and quickly identifies the bots as insecticons. She notices one split off from the group and come barreling toward her.

"That's not good," she tells herself as she squawks and takes flight, fleeing from the hostile bug in a failed attempt to get away. It follows her through the skies until she's had enough. Dinolight turns backwards and transforms, screeching at the insect who had transformed in front of her.

"I wonder, do you speak my language?" She asks the beetle. The bug only stares. "So you do not."

The insecticon calls out and lunges at Dinolight. She catches the bug between her jaws and crushes it, knowing there is no way to reason with it. If the insecticons are here then they're after something, and Dinolight knows it.

She transforms, takes flight, and follows the group of bugs only to find them landing in a small flat spot. Three on the sides and one in the middle being tossed around by something. Dinolight swoops down and lands on a higher perch. Suddenly the insecticon is thrown in the air as a piece of it flew off its helm. Behind the fallen bug stands Bulkhead. He wipes his mouth before turning and driving away.

Dinolight follows him from above, making sure she's gliding to keep her presence unknown. She watches as he comes to a sudden stop and backs up. Bulkhead seems to be trying to open something and suddenly falls back. She assumes he's successful in opening whatever it was he's trying to get into.

Dinolight banks and looks over to see what Bulkhead had found. She spots a green mist coming from out of a jar. She knows he had just found Tox-En. Bulkhead backs away slowly. Dinolight is relieved that the wrecker knows what he was doing but the relief was short lived as he set a live grenade into the container and took out a large shard.

Dinolight follows the wrecker to ensure he would be okay. She didn't want his spark to be extinguished because of his own stupidity. Miko needs him, after all. She watches as he slowly becomes weaker and weaker on his journey to Primus knows where. Bulkhead suddenly falls flat and when he tries to get back up, he falls back to the ground with a thud. Dinolight circles over him and lands behind him.

She squawks to announce her presence as she walks forward and takes the Tox-En in her beak. She tosses it to the side and when she looks back at the wrecker, his optics are shut. Dinolight transforms and shakes the mech.

"You better not let this stupid Tox-En mess you up! You are a wrecker and this crazy scrap is what you trained for!" Bulkhead groans weakly underneath her.

"Dinolight?" He asks with a surprised tone.

"Come on, get up!" She gets behind the mech and tries to push him to his pedes.

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