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I didn't start in our next preseason game but I did play well enough to help my team win -- this time the right way -- and earn myself a starting position for the next and last preseason game of the season.

Fourth period the Friday of that game I walked into math. Being that I was in a junior level math class, I shared this class with a lot of my teammates, especially those who played on offense. A lot of them were stoked for me, but one of the first teammates I had really ever had any problems with was also in this class, and he wasn't particularly thrilled I was taking his starting spot. The first game I had helped win he had refused to listen to coach and go into the game when he told him to but it wasn't because he was rooting for me. He just genuinely hated our coach, so that was kind of his way to get back at him.

However, now that Coach had given me the starting quarterback spot not only did he hate Coach but now he really hated me.

I took my seat in class next to Brooks who was one of our offensive lineman and we had quickly become really good friends, not only because of football but because of class, too. He was like an older brother to me.

"Ready for tonight kid?" Brooks asked as he pulled out a pencil from his notebook that was placed on the desk in front of him.

"Of course," I said, turning to him and smiling.

"Good, good. Hey I gotta tell ya something but you can't freak out," Brooks said, leaning in a bit closer to me and lowering his voice to a whisper.

"What's up?"

"It's Collin. He's pissed because you got the starting job over him. I don't know why though like it's pretty obvious you're better than he is," Brooks laughed.

I looked behind Brooks and found Collin sitting against the wall. I awkwardly made eye contact with him and he glared at me.

"You just looked at him didn't you, Mi?" Brooks asked me.

"Don't called me by that nickname and yeah I did."

"Great now he's gonna know we were talking about him."

Suddenly, Collin appeared in front of us, his 6'2 frame towering over the two of us as we sat at our desks. He placed his hands on the desks and leaned down closer to us.

"What're you two girls gossiping about?" He sneered.

"Lay off Collin," Brooks warned, glaring at him.

"Shut up Brooks, I'm not talking to you anyways," Collin's gaze shifted towards me.

"The only reason you got that spot is because Coach felt bad for you because as a girl, after high school your football career is done. So enjoy your little freshman spotlight moment today but come tonight, those big defensive linemen from County are gonna kill you." Collin's finger was now just inches from my face.

Brooks reached out and grabbed it, rising from his chair and pulling up on Collin's finger. The gesture immediately forced a cry to come from Collin's mouth.

"Boys!" Our teacher gasped as she got up from her seat and began walking towards them.

"Shut up, Collin. She got that job because she's a better quarterback than you'll ever be, so enjoy your spot on the bench. Better keep it nice and warm for yourself because you'll be there for the rest of the season."

Brooks let go of Collin's finger and returned to his seat with a smile on his face as Collin was curled up in a ball, favoring his finger, and whimpering on the floor in front of us.

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