Chapter 22. He knows

Start from the beginning

Micah could be my mate but i can't take the risk. There have never been a human mate in our pack history and i don't want to lead him on only to hurt him later. I was deep in thoughts and Star was growling by my decision when i was attacked by the delicious scent of Micah. My eyes began to flutter and my body began to shake. My whole body screamed that it wanted to put its nose in the crook of Micah's neck to breath in his scent.

I quickly got my emotions under control and put on a blank face because Star was itching to come out and touch him. He was also afraid of what i might say to Micah. Micah stepped in the room and i couldn't take it anymore. Why Goddess why does this boy make me feel this way. I was ready to give him the world if he wanted.

I hardened my heart quickly and looked straight at him. He was looking amazing as always. The thing about Micah is that he doesn't know how gorgoeus he is and that makes him even more lovable. He greeted me and confessed his love for me while i just stood there like a pillar. I would be in seventh heaven now if i knew that he was my mate but that wasn't the case.

It broke my heart seeing him so vulnerable and hurt but i couldn't do anything about it. The only thing i could do to ease his pain was to let him down gently. I stepped closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders. Star was growling at me and i had to control him. I said to him "Micah, i forgive you for kissing me because you mean a lot to me as a friend and i'm sorry because i can't be anything more than a friend to you"

While saying that to him it felt like someone was tearing my hart apart but i stood my ground and left him in my room because i knew if i stayed any longer with him i would take my words back. 

I made my way back to the ground floor with Connor and Lilith when Jeremy came to get me. The room was already prepared for us. Everybody knew the ritual and even if Micah saw us he wouldn't know what was happening. He would just think that it had something to do with our parents.

Connor went to stand in the circle in the middle of the room and Lilith and i took our place beside him. He closed his eyes and concentrated. If his mate was here or even in this state, he would recognize them by their scent. I heard the elevator door open and the scent of Micah came flowing through the room but i had to support Connor so i didn't look at him.

Connor opened his eyes and shook his head. I knew immediately that he didn't find his mate. He walked away from the circle disappointed and hurt. Lilith and i followed him because we knew he needed us the most.

We followed Connor to the pond that's in the middle of the back garden. He was standing there looking at the pond while deep in his thoughts with tears in his eyes. Lilith ran to him crying and hugged him from behind. Connor turned around and hugged her back while crying. I quickly said through the mind link " Make sure everyone leaves and nobody disturbs us gamma" in my alpha voice.

Jeremy responded with "Yes alpha" and after that i completely cut off the mind link. I walked to Connor and Lilith and threw my arms around them. I slowly lowered us to the ground. Lilith put her head on my lap and Connor put his head on my shoulder. He crossed his arms and  looked at the sky.

I wanted to cry so badly but i had to stay strong for them. I didn't know how to comfort Connor or Lilith. Why can't the moon goddess make us happy for once. We have only met misfortune since  we were young. I was thinking about what to say to both of them when i felt Micah approach us.

I growled in anger because Jeremy failed to do his job properly. I didn't want anyone to see us like this. All defeated and vulnerable. I knew Micah's different but werewolves are dangerous creatures in situations like this. 

We are sensitive to our surroundings when we're like this. We could tear him apart but luckily Micah sat down on the ground where he stopped and didn't come any closer. It was like he understood us.

He greeted us and said that he wanted to tell us a story to ease our pain. I didn't put much thought in to it because i could feel Connor and Lilith relaxing by his soothing voice. And the pain in Connor was subsiding. 

Micah then started telling us a story about how the moon goddess had created the first werewolf and about the promise that she had made to him about mates.

I was mesmerized by him. The whole time he was telling the story i kept looking at him. He looked beautiful with the wind blowing through his hair and his scent calmed me down completely.

When he was done telling the story he looked defeated and i wanted to get up and hug him but he suddenly stood up and quietly walked away. Now that he was far away from us my brain started working again and i started to process the story he just told us.

When i realized what he just told us my eyes widened and i started breathing heavily. I felt the shock in Connor and Lilith too. "He knows" we yelled at the same time. We quickly stood up and ran back to the ground floor hoping to find Micah there.

 Most of the guests were already gone and the room was practically empty. Lilith started frantically looking for Micah but she couldn't find him. I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

Then we saw Jeremy escorting someone to the door and we decided to ask him. Connor, Lilith and i walked up to him. He turned around startled and asked "Yes alpha". I looked straight in his eyes and asked him in my alpha voice "Where is Micah?".

He whimpered by my tone but answered "He just left alpha". "With who?" I growled loudly in frustration. Nathan stepped in and said "With his father alpha. He was waiting for him outside"

"Forgive me for asking alpha but is there something wrong?" asked Jeremy. "He knows about us" answered Connor. Everybody looked shocked.

 "What do you mean beta if you don't mind me asking because as far as we know nobody changed tonight" asked Nathan. Connor sighed and answered with "He just told us a story about the origin of werewolves. A story that only werewolves know"

"Oh, that's why he winked at me. He probably knows i'm a high ranking wolf" said Jeremy happily. Connor and i both frowned at him. Seeing our reaction he continued with "He gave me this card to hand it to you beta because he didn't get the chance to congratulate you and said that he knew that he was giving it to the right man then winked at me"

Star couldn't help to growl at him when he heard that Micah winked at him. He quickly handed the card to Connor who swiftly opened it. Lilith who was clutching my shirt all this time quickly went to stand next to Connor to read the card and began laughing at the sight of the card together with Connor.

I frowned in frustration at them and Connor handed me the card to read it for myself. There was a picture of many pups running around on the front page of the card. Some of the pups were belly up, some of them were play fighting and others were jumping on each other. There was a huge black wolf standing in the middle of the chaos looking worried and you could read a text in gold letters above his head saying "The glue that's holds everyone together"

I started laughing too and Lilith started jumping up and down holding my arm while i was still holding the card. Connor looked at her smiling and shook his head. I looked at their happy faces and thought in myself Micah has done it again. He managed to cheer us up again.

I can't wait to see him to thank him.

I hope you liked the chapter guys. Keep reading and thanks for your support. And this is for my sister: they will meet each other in the next chapter so stop asking ;D

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