"Does your friend not know how to speak Lucas?" There was no emotion in her voice; each word was empty.

"Your presence always has an impact on people your highness."

"True. Well then tell me about her."

"Her name is-"

"Alpha Eloise," I blurted out as I forced my gaze to the spot between her eyes, "My name is Alpha Eloise, if you want to know anything about me then you can ask me directly yourself." I should have respected her position of authority but my wolf wasn't having it and if throwing a little disrespect her way kept the beast inside, then so be it.

"Do you have a mate, Alpha Eloise?"


"That must be upsetting?"

"I don't really care." I growled.

"What about Cara?" She asked with a slight smirk resting on her lips.

"What about her?"

"How do you feel about her?"

"She's my best friend-"

"And yet she seems to have kept quite the secret from you, has she not? Tell me, how does it make you feel knowing that she has sat right where your sitting multiple times before and never made any mention of it to you or anyone for that matter?"


I stopped Lucas before he could even finish her name, "I feel confused, but I also trust that Cara has her reasons. What ever they are, they must be worth it."

"You think that. I'll let you know right now that I'm not even the biggest secret she's kept from everyone. Are you ready for a big one? Are you ready to see what kind of Alpha Lady Cara really is?"

"I'm here aren't I?" I challenged.

"Very well," her eyes fell on Lucas, "I assume he already let you in on the plan?"

"Yes, but I'm worried."


"What if it doesn't all disappear? Or better yet, what if it messes with other stuff? You and I both know that they won't be happy if something goes wrong."

"Well luckily she won't be the same as him, but there will be side affects. If it does get to that point he will have a concoction for her to take to keep everyone safe. Regarding those guys...They will take her anyway they can get her. Come to think about it, because of that...it's not like she'll actually die...so no big worry..."

"She'll never forgive you-"

"And I'm not here for forgiveness," she snapped, "I'm here because of him."

"Please," Lucas scoffed as he shifted in his seat, "We both know she's grown on you."

"Maybe." It was the last word before a silence settled comfortably in the cabin.

The drive went on for at least another forty-five minutes. Lucas was keeping his gaze locked on the passing tress while Victoria just seemed like she was lost in her own little world. I just wanted this ride to be over; I wanted to know exactly what Cara was keeping from me and why she had met up with the undead queen so many times before.

I was about to ask more into the relationship between the vampire and Cara was the road started to shrink and lights started appearing in the tree line. Before I knew it we were on a single lane road with a dark gate in front of us. There was no one there, but the moment Victoria looked in its general direction, the two large, iron clad gates started moving forward and our vehicle was once again in drive.

There were no lights following the gate. It was pitch black as we followed a darkly paved road deeper into the darkness. Inside, I could feel the panic of my wolf as she begged me to turn around, but we both knew that there was nothing I could do at this point. We were in the heart of the vampire horde.

"Ready?" I jumped at the feel of a hand on my shoulder. Lucas was standing next to the door with a smirk plastered on his face. Of course he was getting joy out of my reaction towards the place. I should have killed him a long time ago.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I didn't take Lucas's hand. Instead I shoved him out of my way and sprung from the car with a renewed amount of energy coursing through my veins.

The house wasn't what I expected. As I slid my gaze along the area I realized the place was secluded for a reason. Who ever was inside was important. The house was a one story log cabin. Dense woodland stretched all around us, the only light coming from the four large light posts in front of the single oak door sitting center of the front cabin wall. There were no flowers or no walkway. As I followed Lucas towards the cabin, I was stepping on nothing but fresh green grass.

Victoria walked straight in without a word, but before I was able to touch the door Lucas, stopped me.

"Promise me something Eloise."


"No one can know about what you're about to see. Not Titan, not Eric, not even Tiberius. It was hard enough getting you here, but if others find out about this, it could be my head."

"Why is the mystery man going to kill you?"


"Then who would kill you for me telling?"

Lucas looked away before answering, "Cara..." I didn't think I'd heard him correctly, but when I tried to get him to look at me he wouldn't.

"Cara couldn't-"

"She would have to. I told you she has a lot more on her plate then you realize..."

"This can't be-"

"It's confusing I know," he sighed, "But the man...he's going to explain everything to you, and hopefully it will help you understand this whole mess."

"Why should I understand it? Why not just leave now and forget about it?"

"I chose you for a reason Eloise. Cara needs someone besides me."

"Why not her mate."

"Because of exactly that reason, he's her mate. He'll do everything in his power to protect her and there will be some points that, that kind of protection will only end up causing more death."

"Fine." I growled, "I will meet whoever this person is and then after he explains what ever is going on, I will see if I can still trust Cara enough to continue being her friend."

"Thank you." Genuinely smiling for the first time, Lucas reached for the door handle and pushed it open allowing me to walk in first. I moved by him quickly, my eyes landing on the man sitting on the couch with his hands entangled with Victoria's.

My stomach dropped, my heart stopping as my jaw dropped to the floor. "What the hell!?"


So who is the man?

What do you think the connection is?

Will Eloise every trust Cara again?

Whats with Lucas?

And What is currently happening to Cara!?!?!?

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