chapter 4

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"Aughh" Chuuya opened his eyes as he felt something heavy on his left shoulder

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"Aughh" Chuuya opened his eyes as he felt something heavy on his left shoulder. "Whaaa?" His head turned left to look at what the threat was and saw Dazai snoring sheepsihly on his shoulder. He punched Dazai face and made a face of disgust as his body swiftly moved away from the creep. Dazai laid there with a bloody nose from the punch as he stood up holding his nose. "Chuuya? What was that for?!" He questioned clearly uncomfortable with how his nose was in pain. "You leaned on my shoulder, you creep!" He said as he took some tissue from an attached table inside the helicopter and wiped the shoulder Dazai's head had slept on.

Dazai ignored him and went outside still holding his nose seeing (Y/N) running in the sand aimlessly. He smiled. Swaying around dancing because this was her first time on a beach. In one point she carelessly tripped on her own leg which caused her to fall hard on the soft sand. Particles of sand flew as she had made a huge impact on it as it looked like dust moving in the air. Dazai took notice of this and quickly walked towards her where he stood holding his bloody hand on his nose while his left hand stretched towards her to give her a hand. She took his hand as he helped her up. Looking at him curiously he questioned. "Is there something on my face?" She just shooked her head she still curiously looked at him. "No really (Y/N) is something wrong?" She sighed as she grabbed the hand that was covering his mouth sliding it down to gasp at the bloody nose. "D-Dazai?" She started walking back into the helicopter taking her suitcase out and laying it on the sand. She took out somethimg that looked like a first aid kit as she opened it taking out some supplies for Dazai.

She walked back up to him as he his eye followed her movement and saw what was in her hand. "Sit" he obediently follow as she kneeled down in front of him putting the supplies on her lap. Carefully pulling out the alcohol cap and pouring some of its liquid into a cotton ball she gently started to rub the blood on his nose. "I'm glad I brought a first aid kit" she mumbled to herself as she had already placed a bandage on his nose. Dazai just looked at her as he stood up so did she. He held her wrist as this made (Y/N) look his way with a slightly fear laced expresion that Dazai chuckled on. "Ya know for knowing I'm one of the most dangerous person out there to live your still kind to me?" He asked questioning her as she looked at him sighing. "I see no harm in you people" she shrugged as she pulled her wrist away almost immediately after saying that and started to walk away back near the helicopter.

Her retreating figure seem to absorb him in as he watched her walk all the way back to her suitcase. "No harm, huh?" he said as the night air blew the waves were moving gently smelling the ocean water "you shouldn't let your guard down so easily, princess" he mumbled to no one in particular as he stood up. Stretching his hands out as his mouth opened slightly letting out a yawn as he looked at the night sky again. "Hmm..." he touched his nose of where the bandage was and slightly blushed "your kind even though you know what rank i seem to have in the mafia" he whispered to himself. "Tsk, your too kind" he felt (Y/N)'s touches were gentle and light as they cascaded on his skin softly feeling her soft skin. Looking away he made a small note to himself. The sun was slowly falling into the abyss as the sky had began to darken as the moon had already risen from its deep slumber to take turns. He looked at it with the same bored expression as his hands were crossed. Walking slowly back up to the helicopter where his luggage stood.

They walked through the stone path to their destination a place to stay at the long cold dark night. Smilling (Y/N) went to get her key quickly as she made her way to the elevator. It felt weird for you a normal middle classed girl going through a fancy looking apartment for free... The elevators were made out of metal as the floor was decorated with red carpet embroaded with a gold outline. Naturally going inside the elevator the door closed shut as it started to move.

"Huh..." (Y/N) sighed as she was alone in the elevator not wanting to think about anything as she rubbed her hands together shivering at the thought of being with both executive for a whole year. Making her way to her room she silently hung her clothes in the closet as she layed down in her bed. Her shadows did the work as she sighed. Thinking to herself some more she held her hand as she remembered helping Dazai a while ago. The scene played in her head as she couldn't help but question herself. Why was she acting to kind to him? Why was she wasting her time on him? And most importantly why help him?. Millions of questions ran through her head as she rubbed her head confised messing up her hair. Looking out at the window (Y/N) stood up walking to sit down on the chair located next to the window.

She heard faint sounds ofmusic as this would indicate only one thing there were people dancing outside drinking in the club looking out (Y/N) was right it was far away she then opened her window letting the cool air inside the room. Standing up she walked around wanting to inspect the big fancy apartment. Everything was set up with care, seeing that it had a type of royal atmosphere in it as the four rooms were all seperated. The first room which she would walk through the door was the living room. It had a nice white sofa in front of it was a birch coffea table and a flat screen tv located on the gold patterned wall.  The next thing was a coffee maker inside of the wall. It was behind a thin sliding glass door. She looked out abs sighed. Slowly moving to the bed she closed her eyes. Taking a short nap.


October 11 2017

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