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*You're an interviewer.
Your friend Kyle, is supposed to interview the famous girl group; Fifth Harmony, but he called sick and so you have to interview them. *

Y/n's pov.
"This is so frustrating." I said as I sat on the stool I was supposed to sit on when I interviewed the girls.

I had a piece of paper in my hand with a couple of questions I had to ask the girls.

I knew the girls.

I was a fan, but I didn't do good with talking to people without practicing.

Question 5;
Have you ever had a connection with an interviewer.

"What kind of a question is that?" I asked myself as my eyebrows furrowed.

"Y/n. They'll be here in 5." Joshua, the camera man warned.
"Okay. Thanks." I said practicing what I had to say.

I took a deep breath in and let it go.

>5 Minutes Later<

"They're here." Joshua mumbled in my ear.

I turned around and was met with five beautiful ladies.

"Hey." I said waving at them and giving them all a smile.

"My name's Y/n." I said putting my hand out in front of Ally.

"Ally Brooke." She said shaking my hand with a smile.

"Dinah Jane." Dinah said shaking my hand after.

I heard Joshua tell Ally to sit on the couch we had in the set.

"Normani Kordei." Normani said shaking my hand.

I turned my head and there she was.

Lauren fucking Jauregui.

"Hey." I greeted.
"Hey." She said and took me by surprise and hugged me.

We pulled away shortly and I politely told her to sit with the girls.

I sat on the stool with a microphone in my hands.

"Ready?" Joshua asked everybody.

He started recording and gave me a thumbs up.

"What's going on everbody. My name's Y/n. Today, we're here with the girls of Fifth Harmony." I started and the camera turned to the girls.

"So, first of all. How are you guys doing?" I asked as I slightly shaked my nervousness away.
"We're doing good." They all responded at the same time.

"Great." I started.

Question one.

"Can you guys describe the upcoming ulbum?" I asked.

Dinah answered the question, with the other girls correcting her and adding more information.

"Are you guys collaborating with anybody?" I asked.
"Yep. But that's a secret." Ally said laughing a bit.

"Hints?" I asked which wasn't part of Kyle's questions but I wanted to start a real conversation with these girls.

"We can't say. Sorry." Normani said smiling a bit.

"Awh. Well, the show must go on. How do you guys make music? Like, how do you girls get the lyrics?" I asked curious.

"Well, I'm more creative in the bathroom. Or just in a small space alone." Lauren said.
"Same. But I like it better when I'm with somebody. Like, when I can suggest my ideas with somebody and we can talk with eachother." Dinah said.

"Interesting. Is that how you guys made Down?" I asked, again, it wasn't part of the paper.
"Yep." They responded.

"Hmm. Now I have some interesting questions for you guys." I said as the camera turned to me.

This was the question I didn't want to ask the girls.

"Have you girls ever had a connection with an interviewer? Like, have you girls felt something? Friends wise or other." I explained nervous.
"I think...we all have." Normani started looking at the girls.

"Really?" I asked shocked.
"Yeah." Lauren responded smiling at me.

>An Hour Later<

"That'll be all for today," I said clapping my hands.
"Make sure to check all of us out in our separate social media platforms. Thank you for watching," I said with a small smile.
"Thank you girls for being here." I said to the girls who smiled widely at me.

"It was our pleasure." Lauren said.

"And yeah. I'm Y/n. They're Fifth Harmony. We'll see you soon. Bye." I said as I waved and smiled at the camera.

"Annndd...cut." Joshua said and closed the camera.
"That was great." He commented making me sigh in relief.

I stood up and the girls stood up aswell.

"Thank you girls for coming." I said hugging all of them.
"Thank you for having us." They said back.

I hugged Lauren last and she kissed my cheek.

"I feel something with you. So I figured why not make a move." She whispered in my cheek.

"You felt a connection?" I asked blushing.

"Yeah. And I don't want to lose it." She said kissing me.

"What is going on." Joshua mumbled shocked.

I pulled away shocked.

"Okay. I ship you guys, but Laur, are you high?" Dinah asked shocked.
"Nope." Lauren said smiling at the girls.

"So, you guys a thing now?" Normani asked filming us.
"Y/n?" Lauren asked for me to confirm.
"Yeah." I answered smiling.

Lauren hugged me and I hugged her back.

We exchanged numbers afterwards and since I didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day, I drove the girls to their next meetings and interviews.

To: Kyle;
Thanks for not coming today.

From: Kyle;
What? You're welcome?

To: Kyle;
I have a gf now.

From: Kyle;

To: Kyle;
Lauren Jauregui :)

From: Kyle;
Holy shit. Damn, you owe me one.

&gt;Lauren Jauregui/You Imagines&lt;Where stories live. Discover now