Male!Esmeralda X Reader (Part 2)

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I smiled from the shadows as I watched the festival of fools. All the children had grew and I smiled as they preformed. I would be performing if it wasn't for my...situatoin. I was pregnant. No one knew, not even Esmeraldo. I smiled as there was a puff of smock and the man himself danced. He caught my eyes and jumped down from the stage, still dancing. He took my hand and span me and and dipping me before going back onto the stage. I giggled as each of them threw a smock bomb and the stage was empty. I giggled and walked towards the tents. The children where walking around and enjoying themselves. I was going to tell him now. I would have told him before but I didn't want him to worry and back out of his performance. I walked towards Esmeraldo's tent and froze as I saw some blond girl in armor kissing him. I backed up and Im guessing they heard me. They looked to me and Esmeraldo's eyes widened.

"(Y/n)?" I quickly turned around and rushed off. "WAIT!" He yelled but I was running away, into the crowed. I ran all the was out of town and back towards my old home. No one would look look for me there. I just want to be alone right now.


If had been a couple days. I would sneak into town and get food and go back to my home. I saw a lot of the gypsies looking for me. I frowned sadly as I walked away from the bread maker. I walked toward home when I saw Esmeraldo walking towards it. I tended. If he goes there he see that I've been there. I quickly turn towards a different direction, making sure my cloak didn't fall. I bump right into someone. I looked up and tensed.

"Hey, Es. I found her." His voice said. I quickly got up and ran as fast as my legs would take me. I ran past everyone and lifted my cloak and drift I into the others in town before I ran home, making sure I lost them.


I sat at home that night, next to the small fire, trying to stay warm. I shiver lightly. I let out a small yawn and laid down. I felt my eyes become heavy and looked down slightly at the small baby bump. I could feel the small baby inside me moving around, making me smile. I gently stroke the bump.

"Your really active today." I smiled. "We'll go home soon. I just wan to be alone for now." I say to the baby. As if it understud I felt it settle down. I closed my eyes and soon I drifted to sleep.


I woke up in my bedroom. I slowly sit up and saw a small fire to keep me warm. Food and water on the side. A washcloth with warmest on my belly. I took the wash cloth off my belly and looked around. I looked to the food. I took a grape and popped it into my mouth. I smiled as I carefully stud up.

"Your up." I looked over to see Esmeraldo laying there. How did I not see him. I sigh and looked away from him. "Why did you not tell me?" He asked sitting up. I frown and he took my hands. "I sit not mine?" I glare at him and rip my hands out his.

"Im not the cheater." I growl.

"Love, I never cheated on you. That girl kissed me. I told her I love you." He smiled cupping my left check.

"I was going to tell you. Its why I went to your tent." I sigh. "I wanted to be alone for a little while so I went back you my old home."

"Well, love, now that I do know. I'll be keeping you right next to me at all times." I smiled and laid down and nuzzled into him. His arms wrapped around me. "I love you and you alone." I smiled and kissed him softly. I was happy. I cuddle into him as I drifted to sleep.

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