Male!Ariel X Reader

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I smile as I walk on the beach and I look over to see a young man laying on the beach. I quickly pick up the front of my dress, and rush over being careful not to trip. I hurry over but freeze and blush darkly when I see that he's naked. I shack it off and crouch down besides him.

"Hello?" I ask shacking him slightly. I watch him slowly shift and I sigh in relief. "Please wake up. You need to move before someone see's you." He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. He sat up and looked at his legs. He seemed confused. He smiled and tried to stand. He wobbled and slipped backwards. I grabbed his hand, in an attempt to help him, only to be dragged down with him. So now I was in the water on top of this naked guy I just met. I blushed madly and quickly moved. "Who are you?" I ask. He opened his mouth but touched his neck. I sigh as he made frantic movements and I sigh. I stop him by gently taking his hands. "It's okay. I'll take you to the castle. You can stay with us until you get your voice back." He smiled and nodded.


Once we was back at the castle. I sat at the table with my brother Erica (Eric) and wired for the young man to come in. When he did Erica stud up and I watched as he walked in a pink suit that seemed to suit him well. I smile but frown as Erica walked closer and the man smiled brightly.

"Welcome to our home." Erica smiled and gestured to a seat I'm between me and Erica. I sigh sadly. I watched the young man pick up a folk and run it through his hair. What? I watch confused. Erica looked at him and pulled a face. I glare at her and she looked away. I touched the young mans shoulder and he stopped. He opened his mouth and stopped looking down.

"Don't worry about it." I smile and the food came. We ate in complete and utter silence. I sigh as I walk to my room. I stop when I see the young man looking around confused. "Are you lost?" He jumped slightly and looked over at me. He nodded and I smile. I go over and walked towards his room. "This is your room." He nodded with a smile. "Did you lose your voice?" I ask. He seemed to tense but nodded. "Don't worry. It'll be back in a couple days." I smile and he nodded. I walk back to my room. I couldn't get him out my mind. Did I fall for him? I don't even know his name.


I smile as I look around town. Erica had thought it would be a good idea for our nameless friend to see the town. I smile as I watch Erica dance with a young man she had been speaking too for a couple months, and was currently engaged too. I smile but saw the young red head look away sadly. I go over and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded slowly. "I know your not. Do you want to dance?" I asked. He smiled, nodding. He took my hand and we danced. He had a little difficulty but he was doing well. "Your very good at dancing." I smile and he smiled with a little blush on his face. I smile as I looked over to Erica, kissing the man. I smile. "I guess its easy for my sister to find someone." The young man looked over and became sad. "Hey...umm...maybe It's would be good to find out your name?" I say. He nodded and we walked off towards the direction of the castle. "Humm...How about I try and guess?" I asked. He nodded and I smile. "Lets see..." 5 guesses later we reached the castle. I sigh as we reached the door.

"Aron." I heard someone whisper. I shot round, looking around.

"Aron?" I asked. I felt a hand take mine and I look over to see the man holding my hand nodding. "Aron? That's your name?" I asked. He nodded smiling. "Well my sisters holding a ball to tell everyone of her engagement. If you like you could come too." I say. He nodded happily and I smile. "Well I'll see you later then." I smile and gently kiss his cheek. I smile and walk into the castle and going up to my room.

Later that night I walked around the ball room and looked for Aron. He didn't see to show up. I sigh and walked to the balcony. I looked down at my dress and sigh. I heard someone tap a glass. I walk in and listen to my sisters speech and everyone cheered happily of her news. I clap and saw Aron walk in. I so over and he smiled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He looked around and smiled. He pointed to the balcony. I smile and took him out there. I look over at him. "What is it Aron?" I asked. He smiled and looked at me. He frowned when he opened his mouth. I frown a little and sigh. "Is it a good thing, or a bad thing?" I asked. He smiled telling me it was a good thing and I smile. "Try to gesture to what you want to tell me." He nodded and looked up in thorough. He smiled and took my hand, He placed it on his chest and I felt his heart beating. He them put his hand on my cheek. "Mum...You love me?" I ask. He nodded and I smile.

"I love you too." I smile and leaned into his touch.

"(Y/n)?" I heard someone call. I look towards the doors quickly.

"I have to go for a moment. I'll be back." I smile. He nodded and I walked inside.

"(Y/n)? There you are." Erica smiled. "This is Henry. He'll be your brother in-law." I smile and curtsy to him.

"I wish you a life time of happiness together." I smile. He chuckle and bowed. "Now if you could excuse me I have a guessed to talk too." I say and walked back towards where I left Aron...but he wasn't there.


I stud on the beach, as I watched the boat go out into the distance. I smile as I watch. I heard a splash ad look over to see Aron...with a fish tail.

"Hi (Y/n)." He said.

"Your voice is back." I smile. I go over and didn't care about my now wet dress. "You disappeared. I was worried." I say.

"You wouldn't have understood." Aron said. "I made a deal to be human for three days. The cost was my voice. If I didn't get true loves first kiss by sunset on the third day, I would turn back to a merman." He said looking down. "I thought I lover Erica, but was wrong. I loved you. I still do." He smiled. He reached up and cupped my face, like before.

"I wish I could come with you." I say. He gave a sad smile but I looked down. "I'll miss you."

"Me too." He said. If this was going to be the last time I saw him...I didn't want to forget him. I leaned down and kissed him softly. I closed my eyes but there was a light that grew brighter and brighter by the second. I looked down and Aron had his legs back and he was in a suit. We looked over to see a man who was guessed was his dad. He nodded and Aron got up, scooping me into his arms. He kissed me full on and I felt myself melt into his arms.

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