Genie X Reader

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I was Jafars apprentice. He never told me of thee evil things he did. Only tough me how to us and handle magic. The Sultan asked that I keep Jasmin safe at all costs. I smiled from fare as I watched Princess Jasmin and this "Prince Allie" kiss. She finally seemed happy. I smiled and I slipped out the room. I smiled. I guess a wedding really would happen soon. The Sultan should be happy.


I ran to find the Sultan and the Princess but by then it was too late. Jafar chained me up in another room, alone. I sat there and tried to get away. Aladdin tried to stop Genie. I saw it all. THe castle moved and people ran and screamed in fear. I tear up at the memories. I remember watching everyone feared faces run and hid. Children's sobbing. The power Jafar had now was unavailable. He made the princess and Sultan bow. Made Raja tiny. Sent Aladdin fare away. Genie looked distorted. Jafar made me a slave and when I didn't obey him...I Was chain in a dark room and left alone.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see the Genie. The one that gave Jafar all this power.

"Why are you here?" I asked looking away.

"Look, I can't stop him. He gets 3 wishes. If he wishes it I have no choice but to give it to him." He sighed sitting next to me and resting his chin on his hand. "Do you need anything?"

"No." I say sadly. "Unless you can free me." He smiled and easily used magic to free my arms. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you."

"Im sorry I can't free your leg." I still smiled up at him.

"Genie!" I heard Jafar yell. He sighed and poofed away. I hope everyone okay. Soon Genie came back.

"How are the others?" I asked.

"There okay." He said. "There all live and well." I sigh in relief.

"That's good." I smiled slightly.

"Do you need anything?" I just looked up at him.

"I only wish for the safety of the others in the castle." I say sadly.

"Im sorry. I can't disobey my master." He sighed. I nodded. I looked around the room and saw something that made me smile. I got up and took a couple steps only to be pulled back by the chain. I reached out trying to reach the pendent. Like Jafar's staff my magic was through my necklace. He took it from me when he threw me in here. I never thought he threw this in here too.

"Can you get that for me?" I asked. He looked over and grabbed it. I slipped it on. The small (f/c) gem glowed a little. the chain around my ankle popped off and I smiled. I heard yelling and Jafar called for Genie. I raced out.

"For my final wish I wish for Jasmin to fall desperately in love with me." Jafar said. I watched from the door frame. I looked up and saw Aladdin. Jasmin saw him too. Jafar yelled at Genie about doing into. I walked in.

"I can do it." I say and walked over. Jafar grinned as he watched me. I put a spell on Jasmin so Jafars magic would be blocked from her. I nodded to her and she slowly got up and put the golden tiara on her head.

"Jafar?" Jasmin said. "I never realized how handsome you where."

"Did I do well?" I asked smiling. Jafara nodded and I glanced up at Aladdin. He smiled at me and slipped into the room.

"That's better." Jafar smiled. "Now pussy cat, tell me more about myself." He said.

"Your tall, dark, Well dressed-" I walked over to Genie and he looked to Aladdin and he smiled.

"Al-" I cut him off covering his mouth while Jafar wasn't looking. I gestured for Genie to go over and he nodded. He floated over to him and I get watching thee two. I heard a bowl fall to the floor and then saw Jasmin quickly kiss Jafar. My face twisted at the sight of that. I feel so sorry for her right now. They pulled away and Jafar looked into the tiara. I tried to block his sight from Aladdin when Jafar used his music to toss me to the side.

"You!" Jafar yelled and threw Aladdin back. We all gasped and I hurried over to make sure he was okay. "How many times do I have to kill you boy." Jasmin grabbed Jafars scepter only to be tossed to the floor. I stud in front of her and was threw away again. This time sliding across the floor until I hit the wall on the opposite side. Aladdin ran over and grabbed it and thorough for a while. I slowly got up, my head spinning. Genie looked down at me.

"You okay (Y/n)?" I fell into darkness.


I opened my eyes to see Jafar as a genie being dragged into a lap. I looked around to see Genie holding me.

"Are you okay now?" He asked. I nodded and he helped me up.

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and blushed. I giggled as I looked at everything. And it all retuning the way it was.

"Jasmin. Im sorry for lying about being a prince." I heard Aladdin say sadly. "I guess this is goodbye."

"That stupid law. This isn't fare." Jasmin said sadly. "I love you."

"Hey Al. You still got one wish left. You can be a prince again. Just say the word." Genie said.

"But Genie. What about your freedom." Aladdin asked.

"Don't worry. Its only an eternity of servitude. But this is love." He smiled pushing them closer together. I smiled and go over. I lean to Aladdin and whisper into his ear. He smiled and nodded.

"I wish to be a Prince." Aladdin smiled. Genie smiled sadly and turned Aladdin into a price again. I smiled and picked up the lamp.

"What?" Genie asked looking between us.

"Im your new master now." I smiled.

"What?" Jasmin asked looking to me.

"I wish you to be free." I smiled. Genies arms where freed and the lamp became a usual lamp. I smiled at everyone. I hand Genie the lamp and smiled.

"You could have had two more wishes." Genie said still suspired.

"I have magic. I'll be fine. And I don't want or need anything." I smiled.

"Thank you." He smiled and hugged me. "Im free, Im finally free!" Genie screamed, jumping all over the place. I smiled. I guess this was our happily ever after.

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