Male!Jane X Reader

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I watched the "humans" walk around. I looked over to my brother Tarzan. He was interested in them. I wasn't really. I was just there in case he got hurt. Tarzan was one to disobey our farther but I listen to his every word. I wanted a family, nothing more. Tarzan had to help me now and again since I wasn't a very good fighter. He was my twin brother. I never left his side. I sigh as I watch from the trees. I refused to let the humans see me. I watch as they through Tarzan.

"Great he can talk." The man with the gun said. "Take us to the gorillas."

"Gorillas?" Tarzan asked. "(Y/n)."

"(Y/n)?" The one I knew was names James asked. I swung down and stud on my back two legs like them. I brush off my "cloths" as they called them. "There's more than one human here?" He asked coming closer. I scurry away grabbing a rock in my hand as a weapon if they came any closer. Tarzan hurried over and took the rock from me.

"Good." He said and took my hand. He took me closer to the men. "(Y/n). She is my twin sister." Tarzan smiled. I hid behind him slightly as the gun man looked me up and down. Tarzan grip on me tightened.

"Well (Y/n)..." James moved closer and looked me up and down. I looked into his eyes, almost getting lost in them. " you understand us?" He asked. I nodded and let go of Tarzan and quickly climbed a tree, hiding from them. My heart was beating fast. What happening? "She's been here the whole time?" James asked.

"She is scared." Tarzan said.

"Where are the gorillas." The gun man said grabbing Tarzan's arm. I quickly threw a rock at him and jumped down walking over to the gun man. I stand my place, in-between him and my brother. I just starred at him, his hand now bleeding.

"It seems it would be best if you don't harm them." The "professor" said.

"Home." I say pulling Tarzan with me. He nodded and we went home. I looked back at James before running after Tarzan.

"Where have you two been?" Kala, or mum, asked.

"Keeping an eye on Tarzan." I sigh and sit with her. "Mum, can I ask you something?" I ask. She nodded and Tarzan sank off towards his friends. "What does it mean if your hear speeds p because of someone else." She looked at me and smiled softly.

"Oh, and who is this person?" She asked.

"A man I met." I say. She laughed quietly and I wait for a reply. "Its not funny. I can't get him out my head. And he seems so handsome."

"My daughter. You are in love." She smiled. I looked down thinking about it. Could I really love someone I had never spoken too before. I lay down and close my eyes, but sleep never cam over me. I slowly and saw everyone asleep. I slowly got up and made my way to the "humans" camp. I walked around. Most of them where asleep, but a could men where up and walking around. I look over and saw James working. I went to go over when a man grabbed my arm.

"Hello pretty girl." I slapped him but he only increased his grip. "You litt-"

"Release her now." I look over to see James standing there. The man pulled a face before letting me go. I rub my arm and looked at James. "Hello (Y/n)." I just looked at him. I walk closer and touch his face. "I guess this is okay." He said standing there, letting me do as I wished. I let him go and reach up and let his hair fall around his face. I play with a little of it and he just smiled at me. He reached up and just as his finger tips touched me I backed away. He frowned sadly and I look down. I watch a hand take mine and I look up at his smiling face. He reached out and cupped my face. I felt safe and leaned into his touch.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone yell. I jump back and saw Tarzan standing there. "Home!" He yelled. I nodded and hurry past him and out the camp. After that he didn't let me go to the camp. Only a couple days later Tarzan brought them to the gorillas. I look over to see James looking around amazed. His eyes landed on me and he stepped closer but Tarzan stepped in front of him. I looked down sadly and Kala grabbed my hand. I stud up and followed her. She put her hand on Tarzan shoulder and he looked at us and moved out the way. I smile and go over. James smile and took my hand in his and I felt safe again. Out of no where Terk in one of James shirts and Tantor rolled down and landed in a heap.

"Oh no." Tarzan said. Kerchak came from where the two came from and he wasn't looking happy. He looked at us and looked suspired. He looked at the humans. Tarzan tried to speak but the one with the gun "Clayton" kicked away one of the gorillas pulling his gun from her. He pointed the gun at the gorilla and I ran over covering them from the gun and Kerchak roared and ran over to him knocking him down, knocking the gun from his arms. He stud above him ready to kill when Tarzan pounced and knocked Kerchak away. James and the professor rushed to Clayton to make sure he was okay. Kerchak just through Tarzan away and ran at the humans. I rushed over and blocked his path but he just tossed me towards a tree. Tarzan grabbed hold of him and they rolled around fighting him. "go!" Was what I heard him yell, before they took off running. James went to pick me up but I pushed him away.

"Go." I say and he looked hurt but rushed off with the others. Once they was gone Tarzan let Kerchak go. Kala came over to me and helped me up. Tarzan looked around and so did I. I watched as they looked between Tarzan, me and Kerchak. Even Kala didn't know what to say. I didn't want to hear anything and took off running. I ran as fast as I could, swinging through the trees.


I looked around as the animals fought for there freedom. James and the professor on Tentor and Terk, storming in. Clayton slowly going towards Tarzan and Kerchak. But two men where running off with Kala. I hurry after them, not thinking twice. Out of no where several monkeys charge at the men and James stud there. I hurry over and tried my hardest to open the cage.

"This might help." James smiled. I nod and we opened the cage, careful not to hurt Kala. A gun shot was fired and I whimper, as my arm bleed from the glaze the bullet. Tarzan and Kerchak ran over, only to here another gun shot. Tarzan looked at our father before running at Clayton. He ran up a tree.

"Hiding are we!" He yelled after him. James ran over and took hold of the gun. James got hit with the gun and fell to the ground. Clayton went after Tarzan and I ran over to James. I saw a sharp rock and ripped his shirt sleeve. I quickly put the cloth to his bleeding head. It was only a small cut. Not deep or anything. His head on my lap. He smiled up at me and I look over to Kerchak. I go over, James sat with us. I teared up looking at the wound. The other gorillas came around and I knew what would happen. Suddenly Claytons knife and Tarzan fell. I look over and saw Clayton hanging there. James pulled my face into his chest, so I didn't see it. Tarzan looked over and I lowered my head. He slowly came over and Kala left and Tarzan took his place.

"Tarzan." He seemed confused and it just hurt even more.

"Kerchak. Forgive me." Tarzan said sadly.

"No, forgive me. For not understanding." He said softly. "You was always one of us. Look after them." I let out a cry as his hand dropped to the ground. James grip on my tightened an I cried into his chest. I look up and Tarzan stud there proudly. I get up and sadly look at James. Tarzan went of and I followed Kala next to me. I look back once and sadly followed the others.


I watched Tarzan and James talk and I sigh sadly.

"You should go with them." I looked to Kala. "You wont be happy without him."

"I don't belong there. This is my home." I say sadly and hug her. I look up at saw James walking over. I looked to Kala and she nodded. I walked over, Tarzan walking away.

"London will seem so small compared to all this." He said.

"I'll miss you James." I say looking down. He cupped my face, making me look up at him.

"Mr Proter!" The man with the boat called. James let me go and looked over to them.

"I know, Im coming." He said. He sighed and looked back at me. He sadly smiled. "Well I guess this is good bye." He said holding out his hand. I touch his hand and he kissed it softly. I felt sadness and backed away. Could I live without him?

"Bye." I say sadly and he walked off. I just stud there my brother looking at me sadly. I watched the boat slowly leave the island. Out of no where I watched James jump into the water and slowly swim towards me. He got up and scooped me up, only to fall and make both of us land in the water. He pulled me up and kissed me. He quickly pulled away and looked at me as if he didn't know if he should have done that. I smile and took hold of his top and pulled him closer, kissing him. I let him go and he just smiled. He cleared his throat and pointed behind me. There stud all the gorillas and my brother. I took his hand and walked him towards Tazan and Kala. She smiled expectedly. I knew this would go well. Now I have the only I love with me.

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