03| regret

404 11 0


Laughter and wonder filled the room. Watching our aunts on stage in front of thousands of people really wowed me. I wanted to be like that. Sharing my musical thoughts and emotions with the world is something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life.

I got up from the hard wooden floor and laid down on the couch. The others turned back to me. "What's wrong moondust?" Michael asked. I smirked. 

"I'm getting a little sleepy, so I thought I'd take a nap until mom comes to pick us up." I said, tying my hair up into a ponytail.

"Well, why don't you go lay in the bed?" Simone asked. I nodded and brought myself up from the couch, and went to the bedroom. Simone's guest room was the size of two master bedrooms, so only heaven knew what her room looked like. 

I laid my head down on the soft pillows, taking a deep breath before closing my eyes. & before I knew it, I was off to sleep 


I began to scratch at my wrist, this being the only way to keep my 'tendencies' down until the kids left. I did my nails and even tried to braid Quint's hair just to keep my mind off of those things. But at this point, I couldn't take it any more. I got up from my hardwood floor and basically ran to the bathroom, reaching up to the cabinet and pulling out an orange medication bottle. I took two pills out of it and swallowed them, satisfied with the outcome.

I washed my face and looked into the mirror, trying to believe that what I saw was beautiful, but not everything can be fixed with makeup. The bags under my eyes were deafening, and the weight I have lost is honestly horrifying to me. 

The drugs don't make me hungry, but instead, they keep me happy. SO happy that I don't even need food. I washed my face once again, trying to make myself believe that I was a different person.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Come in!" I yelled. Wait, did I just say that!? I didn't mean to say that what is wrong with me? 

It was Michael. "Simone?" He asked. His eyes lit up in pure horror as he gazed at my bony frame. My collarbones were sticking out of my chest, and you could see my ribs. "Simone are you alright?" 

That was when I began to break down. The high I was beginning to have disappeared as tears filled up my eyelids. "Michael, can you keep a secret?" I asked. 

Though tears were pouring down my face, I still managed to smile. He walked in and shut the door, that being my signal that he was open ears. 

"I have an addiction, Michael. There I said it. I'm pretty sure that you've noticed a few things over the years but I haven't had the guts to tell anybody because I'm scared." By now, I was talking a bit too loud, and I didn't want to wake anyone else.

"It's okay, you don't have to be afraid to talk to me. I can get you he-"

"No, you can't! Do you know how many times I've been told that? Do you know how much rehab i've done, and how I had to be in a mental hospital when I was only sixteen? Don't you realize how painful that is?"

"Of course I do. Simone, you're my aunt. I will always care for you even when you don't want it. If you don't want help from anybody else, fine. But you're getting help from me." I wiped a tear away from me face.

"How is a sixteen year old going to help a nearly 22 year old?" He got up and walked over to me.

"Well, we'll start by diposing of these." He took the orange tubes out of my cabinet and opened every single one of them. 

"Michael no, you can't-"

He picked up three and poured them down the toilet. 

"Don't do that! Please-" I was restraining myself from grabbing them all and taking them to hide somewhere, but I knew how bad I actually needed this, so I just shutup and let him at it.

He had poured all fifty tubes out into the toilet. Suddenly, the doorbell rang signalling that it was finally time for the kids to go. 

I got up and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing a silk mask off of a rack and putting it over my face. Michael trailed out behind me. "Nice disguise." He chuckled. 

"Thanks. Go get Luna and Quint for me, please." He nodded and ran to the guest rooms to get them.  

"Ellooo." Star said upon entering my house. "Smells nice in here." She said, walking towards the living room. I forgot that I had been showing them big trouble, so I had to run and turn the TV off before she made it to the living room. 

"What's the rush?" She asked, sitting down on the couch. Alex came through the front door next, carrying a T-Shirt.

"Here." She tossed it to me. I opened it up. 'CURLY HAIR DON'T CARE' it read. I cringed, but thanked her for the out of the blue gift. 

Luna, Michael, and Quint came pouring out the room, all rubbing their eyes. "Hey, mom." Luna said. 

"You guys ready?" She asked. And with that, they were on their way home. I seriously hope that they don't tell Star about me showing them Big Trouble.   

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