"Come on," Scott whispered to me.

I nodded and followed him to the locker room so he could get his stuff and we could leave.

"We gotta get to the hospital," Scott said, throwing his gear in the trunk of the car. My car. He won't let me drive it but he can apparently.

"Look, I just want to go home and change out of these wet clothes. Argent doesn't even want to see me after I killed his daughter." I got into the passenger side as he got into the drivers.

"He's hurt pretty bad. I gotta be there for him," Scott started the car and pulled out of the school. 

I didn't say anything else. I just let Scott drive to the hospital.

We got inside and found Malia and Melissa, along with another nurse who was wheeling him into the ICU.

"Is he okay?" Scott asked his mom.

"He has blunt force trauma to his temporal bone, three broken ribs, and multiple surface lacerations which seem to be from whip marks?" Her voice got quieter when she mentioned the whip marks. "What he needs is a lot of rest."

"What happened?" Lydia asked, coming out of no where. When did she get here?

"The Ghost Riders took everyone. We barely slowed them down," Malia told her.

"Tell us you found something," Scott begged.

So Lydia had some suspicion on Claudia and has been looking through it all day. Hoping that it would get us a lead on Stiles.

"I found out Claudia never had children. So, Stiles can't be her son."

"What about a relic?" Malia asked and she shook her head.

"There never was a Stiles, was there?" Malia asked. I felt a pain in my stomach when she asked.

"But-" Scott interrupted me.

"It doesn't even sound like a real name."

"We have to keep looking. Check the school records again. Or call Scott's dad..." Lydia said and Malia shook her head.

"We're fighting the wrong battle." 

My hand crept it's way up to the necklace clasped on my neck. I held onto the pendant tightly and stared at the ground.

"We're trying to bring Stiles back," Lydia argued.

"The Ghost Riders came back. We still have no way of stopping them. And whatever they are, they're real. We can't keep chasing someone who isn't."

Scott agreed with Malia, "He didn't leave anything behind."

"Just us," I whispered. Everyone looked at me.

"Whether his name is Stiles or not," I paused and took my phone out, opening up my photos. "Someone was here and they were real. I feel it. And that's something coming from someone who isn't supposed to feel anything."


"The corpus callosum is not only the largest white matter structure in the brain, but also the bridge connecting all parts of the brain to each other."

I zoned out the teacher as I stared outside. I watched a tow truck pull up and look around at some jeep. I raised my head up and stared as he examined it, writing something on the clipboard.

"That ability for all parts of the brain to communicate, and to work together, help us make leaps in cognitive thinking."  

I stood up out of my chair. He's gonna take it.

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