chapter 11

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Hope's POV

I run out of the house once I get my phone from Luke. I have no idea on where I'm going until I reach a familiar boys house. Ashton's house. I knock on the door until Ashton's mom opens the door. "Hey, love come in." She says. She's so nice. "Ashton Hope is here." She says and Ashton comes down the stairs Ashton takes me upstairs to his room.

"Hey." He says before he kisses me. "Hey." I say once we break the kiss. "What's up? You never come to my house unless something is wrong." He asks. "Luke. He came in the kitchen while I was making breakfast for me and the girls. He asked me if I could make him some and something else after that. But before that he said something like I can't ignore him forever and asked if the girls stayed the night. I ignored him until he said I can't ignore him forever. That's when he got on my nerves. About and hour or two later he came into my room and tried to talk to me about how long we have been together and why I kissed you but I ignored him until he said I'm not allowed to see or talk to you." I said and started to cry.

He hugged me to calm me down. He said that Luke had punched him earlier.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" Asks a familiar voice that I recognize as Luke's. "I said what do we have here." He points to Ashton holding me. "Ashton go downstairs and I'll talk to Luke." I tell him. He hesitates but does as asked. "How did you find me?" I ask. "Oh easy. I tracked your phone." He says with a smirk.

I knew he was mad especially since I came to see the one person he told me not to see. Ever. "I thought I made it clear to not see him again?" He says. I don't respond even though I should I don't.

Luke gets closers to me until he is in front of me. "Answer me!" He says. I don't. I know I'm pushing it but I don't want to talk to him. "Fine you leave me no choice." He says and before I can give him a confused face he slaps me. He's never done that before. And I immediately take my hand up to where he slapped me. His face softens once he realizes what he did.

"Hope I'm sor-" I cut him off by running out of the house with Ashton after me. Ashton grabs my hand and takes my phone out of my pocket to turn my location off so Luke can't track us. We reach a beautiful meadow when Ashton takes us to the tree at the edge of the meadow.

"I'm sorry Ashton." I say. "Sorry? For what Hope?" He asks. "For everything. Getting punched by Luke. Having to chase after me. Having to sneak around just to have secret little rendezvous." I say but right after that he kisses me as if saying 'it's not your fault.'  The kiss felt different. It felt more... I don't know how to explain it it just felt different.

"You know we probably made my brother even more mad than what he already is." I say with a small laugh at the end. He nods before saying "yeah. Do you wanna stay at my place to get away from Luke for the night?" He asks and I nod my head yes. "Okay that can be arranged." He says as he looks into my eyes.

We kiss again and I get a text from Skai asking where I am and I tell her I'm with Ashton and going to be staying the night with him. And that she and the others should go back to their houses. after I text her i get a text from Luke asking where I am and I dont reply. 

It's right about sunset and Ashton takes me to a lake before we go to his house for the night. "I always come here when I am not happy. It calms me down". Ashton says to me. "I can see why, It's so beautiful here" I say as he nods.

We leave after dark and I get confused as to why we're leaving after dark. "Instead of going back to my place, why don't we go to a place I used to stay in when I didn't want to go home or when I was upset?" he asks me. I'm getting cold so I say yeah and I think he noticed because he took off his sweatshirt and put it around me. "thank you" I say. "No problem love" he says. Yeah his family is from England.

We reach a cute and cozy looking treehouse in a huge tree. "you like?" He asks me. "Like? I love" I say as he he smiles and kisses me.

I wrote this on my tablet since it is easier to write on there.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote and comment.

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