Chapter 3

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Once we get home I go up to my room with Lindsay, Jasmine, and Skai. We get our books and study guides out to study. I go downstairs to get some snacks for us. When I'm about to go back up I get a text and it's from Skai.

From: Skai
I'm hungry hurry up please

I send her a text back.

To: Skai
I'm on my way if you stop texting me

I hear a bang and I guess that was her phone. "what was that?" Luke comes out of his room when I enter mine. "Skai threw her phone and it hit something in my room." I replied. He nodded then left. We all burst out laughing as Skai grabs the bag of chips out from my hands which caused me to spill the cup of ice water in her head. "ahh cold! Cold! Cold!" she runs around screaming until Luke comes back in and starts laughing once he sees me with the empty cup and the water all over Skai. He holds his hand up and walks away laughing and I see Ashton looking out of Luke's room into mine. The curious boy walks into my room cautiously since he knows mine and Luke's past with pranks.

"I'm not even going to ask" he says before walking away amused. We continue to laugh until I come up with the idea of the girls staying the night since Luke is having Ashton stay the night as well. What? I don't wanna be with two boys in one house alone other than my mom and dad.

Soon its time for dinner. We eat, talk about our day and what happened with Skai and the water since mom asked why her hair is wet. After that we all take showers.  Separate showers.

Once done we get ready for bed as we studied until 10:30 at night and we had to get up at 6am since the road work was done.

Jasmine and I woke up around 2:30am and decided to get back at my brother for waking me up at 4:00 yesterday. We got up and took all our electronic devices and set an alarm for 4:00am and the song was set to Nyan Cat.

I woke up to the feeling of something tickling my nose so I went to scratch it and insread, I ended up getting a face full of whipped cream that was on my hand. "that's for waking me up at 4 with the most ANNOYING song that is now stuck in my head!" he said. I looked over at my cloth and noticed it was 5:59am.

I get out of bed smirking. "what are you smirking about Hope?" Luke asked cautiously but yet curious at the same time. I bursted out laughing once I heard Ashton yell. "WHAT THE-?!" he was cut short when Luke yelled back. "ASHTON DON'T SWEAR!" and Luke went running into the guest bed as the others woke up from the yelling. They asked what happened and I signaled them to follow me.

Ok I decided to leave this as a cliffhanger because no one knows what the prank was that Hope did to Ashton.

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