chapter 10

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Luke's pov

I was going to ask Hope if she could help with getting people to leave but when I walk over there to ask her I notice her and Ashton kissing. "Dude! What the?! Why?!" I yell at them. "We were just-" "kissing?!" I cut Hope off. I was mad. If you found out that your best friend was kissing your sister then you would understand. "Ashton out" I say. "Hope to your room." I demand them. They nod and leave.

"Everybody out now! Party's Over!" I say as I kill the music. Everybody groans as they leave. Now I have to tell Hope she can't see Ashton anymore and I have to end my friendship with Ashton now. Wow. My best friend and my sister. That is something I'll never agree to.

Everybody is gone and I leave to go upstairs to talk to Hope when I hear her crying and people trying to calm her down. I peek in her door because who knows it could be Ashton trying to calm her down and he could have gotten in through her window. It turns out to be Skai, Jasmine, and Lindsay calming her down. I leave to go to my room then I realized that the party still needs to be cleaned up.

I go down and start to clean soon I fall asleep on the couch. I wake up to the smell of pancakes. I realize that Hope is making the food. "Morning Hope. Did the girls stay over last night?" I ask. No answer. "You know you can't ignore me forever and make me some pancakes please." I say. " yes I can and no make your own food." She says as she walks upstairs and takes her plate of food along with 3 other plates. How can she balance 4 plates at once?

I finish cleaning and I hear a knock at the door. "Come in" I say thinking it was one of my friends. Wrong. "Luke" he says. "Ashton"  I say through gritted teeth. "I realized that what I did was wrong. And I'm sorry" he apologizes. "Well too bad because your now my ex friend." I say casually. "What? Why I apologized and I told you I was wrong to kiss Hope." He says. "Well you never should have kissed her and I hope you learn your lessen." I saw before I punch him in the face. I'm never one to get into physical fights but what he did was wrong. Especially to my sister.

"Now leave." I say as he gets up. He walks out. And shuts the door. I get up to talk to Hope. Once I reach her door I knock knowing she is still upset with me. Jasmine opens the door "you should leave her alone for a while." She says. I shake my head no. "I need to talk to Hope." I say and she lets me in and Hope turns around to not face me.

"Hope why did you kiss Ashton?" I ask calmly. No answer. "Ok then, how long have you and Ashton been like that?" I ask. No response. She gets a text message and looks at it. I read it over her shoulder and see that it's from Ashton. "Oh no you don't." I say as I take her phone. "Give it back luke!" She yells at me. "No you're not allowed to see or talk to Ashton again." I say and that seems to get her more upset. 

She grabs her phone without needing paying attention and runs out of her room and I hear the front door slam. Her friends stay on the floor like nothing happened. "Any idea on where she went?" I ask. They shake their heads no. I sigh as I walk out. Then I remembered that I can track her phone.

My brothers best Friend जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें