Chapter 5

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Hope's pov

The day actually goes by fast for once and then we go home and when I get there Luke's already in and I go up to my room. I jump on my bed and I hear Luke's shower turn on and I sneak out of my Room.

I go into his room and I know his showers are like 20 minutes long so I have time. I take his shirts out of his dresser and put his pants where his shirts are and put the shirts where his socks go and the process goes on until everything is in a different place and then the shower turns off and I hide under his bed as there is no time to get out.

I hear him humming along to the nyan cat song haha it is catchy but annoying and he scolds himself for humming along to it. Then he walks out and goes over to his dresser to get fresh clothes. As he does that I take the clown mask out that I hid and put it on then get out from under the bed and sneak up behind him and wait for him to turn around.

"Ahhhhhh" he screams and I laugh so hard to the point to where I'm on the floor and then mom and dad come running in and mom says "Luke! What did you do to her?!" "What?" he responds "I didn't do anything. Why would you think I did something to her?" he adds on. "Because we heard a girly scream son." dad says as soon as I start to calm down from my laughter. Then with what dad said, I laugh again to where I have to take the mask off and my face is really red.

"You- scream- like- a- girl" I manage to say in between laughter. "that was Luke who screamed?" mom asked. I nodded. Everyone started to laugh then Luke told us to get out so we did and once he shut the door I heard him on his phone talking to someone. I over heard his conversation with who I'm guessing to be Ashton.

"Ashton you need to come over later on"
Pause. "because Hope got me again and I need your help" another pause. "No I don't know what I'm going to do to get her back but I need help though" another long pause. "ok thanks see you then bye" I run to my room and I had an idea...

Another cliffhanger next chapter will reveal her idea. Please vote it only takes a second too.

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