Chapter 6

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My idea was if I could have Skai or Lindsay come over for the night then I will be happy because I have no idea what Luke plans on doing to me. So I call Skai and tell her what is going on she agrees to come over. No one other than Skai, Jasmine, and Lindsay knows I can hack.

After a while I tell mom that Skai is coming over and not to tell anyone else because I couldn't have Luke finding out could I? No. Well yeah but the plan wouldn't work out then. Ugh stop talking to yourself Hope.

Skai comes over and we get right down to work. I hack into the school's email address and send a message to Luke's phone and then hear him yell to my parents "mom! Dad! Schools canceled tomorrow they are fixing something in the school!" we hear them reply ok. I mom comes in to tell me while Skai hides in my closet just in case.

"Schools canceled tomorrow love." I motion for her to come closer and shut the door. She does and I tell her that I hacked into the schools email address and sent him an email saying schools canceled but not really so Skai and I can prank him. She understands because he sometimes skips School but she was also shocked I could hack. She leaves and Skai comes out and we go to bed but I set my alarm for 5:00am to get to school on time so I can prank him.

I wake up on time and wake Skai up also telling her to get ready because we are going to school earlier and we get ready then climb out my window so we can't be seen.

I give Skai the confetti while I spray paint his bike pink. She throws the confetti on the bike as I paint it pink. By the time we get done it's already 6am so we get to school and I know what time Luke plans on getting up 8:00am since there's 'no school'. I'm a genius.

Luke's POV

I wake up At 8 since schools canceled.I go to wake Hope up but she's not there. Where is she? I searched whole house before I decided to text her.
To: Hope
From: Luke
   Where are You? I can't find you? Mom and dad aren't home so I can't ask them.

She sent a reply

To: Luke
From: Hope
    At school that's why you can't find me. Why are you not here your teachers keep asking me where you are?

We had school this whole time! I get changed and go outside to ride my bike to school instead of walking. I notice my bike is pink with confetti and I was confused. I get on anyway and get to school. No one noticed me until I walked in and went to my class I have.

Once my last class is done I go to my locker then I also wait to see Hope but I never saw her. Ashton isn't here either. So I go home with the girly bike now. And I see Ashton through the window. Who let him in? Then I also see Hope there too.

Ashton's POV

I really like how Luke and Hope have a special relationship. Luke's not here yet so I come in as I was instructed to. Hope and Jasmine are here also. So I walk into the kitchen and see Hope there with Jasmine by her side. "we need help getting Luke. We got him this morning.
If you wanna know what we did you'll see in a bit when he gets home." Hope says.

I don't really pay attention to what they say because I'm distracted by Hope.
"Ashton!" Skai says as she claps her hands in front of my face. "what?" I ask confused. Skai give me a look and I recognize the look as an 'i will find out what is wrong' I nod back.

We go up in Hope's room and get ready. "we all will wear a mask. A clown mask to be exact." "doesn't Luke hate clowns?" I ask Hope after she says that. She nods. We get the masks on and we separate. I take the kitchen, Hope takes Luke's room, and Skai takes the bathroom since he goes there first after school.

The door opens and I jump out and scare him and he screams. "what the-" he tries to make a sentence but it doesn't work. He's on the floor. "You scream like a girl!" I say as he gets up. "don't speak of it again" he says and gets up. "where is my sister?" he says. "wait tell me after I go to the bathroom." I nod.

I hear a girly scream so my guess is Skai got him in the bathroom. I heard sky say the same thing I did and then Luke came out and went in his room to use his bathroom I am guessing. 

5 minutes later Skai and I are in Hope's  room and we hear the loudest scream we have heard. We get up and look at what he was screaming at. Here, it was Hope in a whole Clown outfit and in the bathroom with a fake knife with fake blood on it.

We start laughing at the sight until Hope removed her mask to breathe. "I HATE CLOWNS YOU IDIOTS!" Luke yells at us. We just continue laughing. We leave and go back to Hope's room.

Hope goes to the store around the corner to get things and Skai stays behind probably to ask me what happened earlier.

Next chapter will have Skai's POV in it.
Until next chapter bye loves!

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