I Really Like You - Carly Rae Jepsen

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It was prom night and here Olivia was sitting on her couch watching a comedy. Sitting comfortably, she prepared to zoom by the night laughing away. But, before she could even go 5 minutes in, her mother bombarded her room, shocked to see her daughter wasting her once in a lifetime opportunity.

"What on earth do you think you are doing, young lady!?"


"Do not give me that sass, Olivia Theresa Tanner. Why are you not at Prom?"

"Why the hell would I go? It's just filled with future high school has beens."

"This is a once in a lifetime oppor-"

"Opportunity!? To do what, mom? Take pictures? Eat decent food? Pay enormous money? What?"

"We both know what opportunity I am talking about." She said changing to a more sympathetic tone. "It has been 4 years and you still not have told that boy what you thought of him."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't lie to me Olivia, I know that look and I know that you-"

"Don't say it mom! Do NOT say it"

"Say what? That you really, really like him"

"Gah, I can't believe you said that"

"Ok while you sat here wasting away, I got you your dress. This is your last chance before he moves away. Are you going to live with regret or have an answer to your problem?"

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