Something in the back of Sasuke's mind recognized the seal, and he unconsciously sank into his pillow. Why is this familiar? "What happens if I move?" he snarled, trying to hide a sudden surge of fear.

Relaxing just a little, Itachi answered, "I'm not absolutely, sure but it can't be anything good. I need my concentration for this... That means you must not fight me." He held his younger siblings eyes, hoping to stress the importance of this.

Sasuke pressed his lips together. I don't like the sound of this... "What are you doing to me?"

"When you were fighting... 'me'... Some of things said didn't make perfect sense according to your knowledge. Correct?" Sasuke nodded in response as Itachi continued. "It won't make sense now, but I'll elaborate when you wake up..." If he wakes up... Itachi grimaced. He was infiltrating Sasuke's mind, if it didn't go exactly right, there were no telling what kind of complications he would face after.

Against his better judgment, Sasuke let the tension in his muscles ease. I can't stop him like this... And if I try, he might end up killing me. I'm screwed. "How long will I be out?"

"Can't say..." Itachi mumbled. Taking a deep breath, he prepared to start the unsealing jutsu, but before he began, "Sasuke, I'm not going to lie to you. This is going to hurt, it'll hurt like hell. But I need you to stay absolutely still, and silent."

Grinding his teeth, Sasuke glared back. Why is he treating me so... kindly? Something is wrong. Maybe I am dead. I have nothing to lose... "Just do it."

Nodding slightly, Itachi began weaving his fingers through a series of uncertain seals. Sasuke watched, fixated, and drifting into his own thoughts. Hadn't he seen something like this before? Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried to ignore the unnerving sense of déjà vu coming over him.

Shutting his eyes had the opposite effect of what he had hoped.

He was sitting facing his brother. There was a sorrowful determination on Itachi's face, and he felt sick with dread. But it would be okay, Sasuke still trusted him in this world. The same hand signs flashed before him as Itachi told him again to be silent and still. It was exactly the same as before. But, what was 'before'?

Opening his eyes to rid himself of the forgotten memory, Sasuke forced himself to remember to breathe. But instead the inexplicable flashback blurred with the present. Time slowed as he was able to see the chakra running down Itachi's arm, glowing the same way he had seen in the shadowy recollection. The feeling of his fingers in his hair, holding his forehead stirred and mixed past and present.

At first, Sasuke felt nothing. He was going numb, but then a searing pain shot through his head, spreading down his neck and following his spine. There was nothing he could compare it to. He wanted to scream, but his mouth had gone dry, and his voice failed him. His body was shaking, and in blind agony he grabbed at the closest person.

Itachi's concentration wavered as he felt Sasuke gripped his shirt in the same childish manner he had when the seal had been placed on him. The scene was torturously akin to that night.

Driving the thoughts from his head, Itachi navigated his chakra through Sasuke's mind. He found the remnants of his chakra left, their facets having thinned over time. The horrible things he tried to conceal within his brother where just barely held at bay. Forcing his resolve for the last time, Itachi broke through the seals, letting the memories flow free, and cleaning the false recollections from Sasuke's consciousness.

It was almost over, and the sound of Sasuke's heavy breathing broke through his hazy thoughts. Sasuke was using everything in him to keep calm, and it was a painful effort to watch. Pulling his chakra from his brother, he let go of him.

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