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Sasuke lay awake in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He had some many worries; he couldn't even put them all into proper words or questions.. If he could, where would he begin? Most of it was about Itachi, and what would happen between them and their father. Aster had told him it would be okay, and usually he trusted her. But this time he had a bad feeling. Not just a little inkling, but a horrible pit of dread in his rib cage. He tossed and turned, but was unable to sleep. It was too much for such a young boy to take, no matter how smart or mature he was. Frightened and in need of comfort, Sasuke climbed out of his bed and pushed his door open slowly. The hallway seemed much longer in the middle of the night, but the thought of the comfort that waited at its end compelled him into the shadowy corridor. He crept quietly through the halls and to the door that he had memorized as his brother's. He slid it open slowly as it creaked painfully. Sasuke had scarcely taken two steps into the room when Itachi sat up slowly. His hair was ruffled and he was tangled in his pajamas and blankets. Sasuke ran to his bedside and gripped his shoulders in hug. Itachi only patted his back and gently asked, "What is it now?" Sasuke buried his face in the neck of his brother's shirt, "I had.. a nightmare.." What he said wasn't exactly true, but the last week felt like a nightmare he could wake up from. "This is the third night in a row, what's troubling you?" Itachi inquired sleepily. "I- I don't.. really know..." Sasuke stammered. He had no words for the terrifying feeling that slowly building in him. "Can I sleep in here with you?" Sasuke asked him, wanting only to have company. "No.. " Itachi said slowly, then adding, "Don't worry though.. I know how to help you get to sleep." Sasuke looked at him curiously. Itachi ran his hand on the back of neck, and Sasuke and almost pulled away, but stopped himself. Then, softly, Itachi hit the pressure point just below his jaw and Sasuke fell unconscious in his arms. Tiredly, Itachi picked him up and carried him back to his room. He set him down in his bed carefully and tucked the sheets in around him. That's all I can do for him, Itachi thought as he looked over his little brother. I wonder what his nightmare was... Then he walked back to his own room silently and forced himself to sleep the rest of the night.

Sasuke walked down the hospital hallway in what was more of a stagger. He couldn't believe what he had said to Aster. But the words were said, and there was no taking them back now. Just as he finally realized the magnitude of what he done, he stumbled and rested against the wall for support. Why am I suddenly so tired and short of breath? He thought as he began to pant. Faintly he heard a girl's voice yell and running footsteps. Sasuke looked up to see Naruto and Sakura running toward him. Why are they back here? They were supposed to have left hours ago, he was angry now. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? He didn't want their attention or company.

Sakura was horrified when she saw Sasuke wobble and lean on the wall to keep upright. She ran toward him, frightened and anxious, "Sasuke! Sasuke!"

Naruto looked farther down the hall. He saw the door of the room Sasuke had left swing shut and then realized that Sakura was dashing to Sasuke, who looked awful slumped against the stucco wall. Surprised and confused, Naruto followed Sakura.

"Sasuke!" Sakura cried as she wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders. "Are you alright? What's wrong?!"

Naruto stood in front of them, flabbergasted. He watched Sasuke, waiting for his friend to speak.

"Sasuke, say something! Please!" Sakura pleaded desperately. Then, without warning, Sasuke backhanded Sakura and sent her flying into the opposite wall.

"Sasuke!" Naruto cried, shocked out of his stupor. He ran over to help Sakura stand back up. "What's wrong with you?!" Naruto yelled.

Sakura sat without trying to stand, staring at the floor. Naruto pulled on her as hard as he could, but without her help, he could not put her upright. Sasuke just watched them with disgust.

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