"Kisame.." Itachi glared at him. "Control yourself." They stared, locked in a battle of the eyes.

Kisame smiled and looked away, chuckling under his breath. "In the future.." he said lightly.

Itachi continued to bore into him with his eyes, even after he had looked away. "Now." He insisted with venom.

Kisame and turned and began to walk away. Itachi moved to stop him, but he glanced back and added in the mocking voice of an academy student, "Hai Itachi-san."

Itachi stood, not trusting himself to take another step without trying to kill Kisame. He glanced sideways at Aster. I might just have to train her... he thought.

Aster tried to control her shaking. Why do I always fall to pieces like this?! "Itachi-kun.." he voice was quieter than she had anticipated. "You.. You.."

"Don't take it the wrong way.." he told her quickly. "I just didn't want to have to clean you up," he added coldly, flushing and trying to fool her.

Aster swallowed hard. "Uh.." she stuttered, unsure what to say next.

"You can have the same room as last time," he told her curtly. It took her second to realize that he was referring to the room she had stayed in when Kisame had taken a piece out of her ribs.

"Itachi-kun.." she wanted to ask about his actions in the last few minutes, but by the way he turned his back to her, she knew she wouldn't get any answers. She tried to force the fear in her throat down, but was unsuccessful. Dazed and confused, she began to walk as best as she could to 'her' room. Before she disappeared into the hallway, she added meekly, "Arigato.."

He gave no outward sign of hearing her, but it pained him to know about the animosity between her and Kisame. He knew things would be very hard like this. They were all balancing on an incredibly thin line. If they didn't fall, the line might break.

Itachi sat down at the small table in the meager dining room. He wondered why there where four chairs there. Obviously two were for him and Kisame. Was another possibly for Aster? Did that mean the fourth was for the little brother he had lost? He pushed the thoughts away. Akatsuki can't afford feelings. If I don't numb myself, none of us have a chance. He wondered what he would do if his actions had given him away to Kisame. If Kisame tells the other Akatsuki about this.. He sighed heavily. Maybe I can lie my way out. The little voice that always mocked him in the back of his mind added Just like you did with Sasuke? It took all his might to ignore it. A headache was coming on. He could feel it, and a bad one at that. Itachi rubbed his forehead, trying to stave off the pain that was inevitably coming.

The next day began early for him. The gray light of the early morning cast eerie shadows through the rooms. Itachi almost smiled at the thought of them being scary. What I've become is the scariest thing here.. He dressed quickly, his mind empty because he had forced all his doubts and regrets from his head. He figured that if he could get out of the lair soon enough, he might not have to face Aster.

Itachi strolled into the dining room from the hall, only to be caught off guard. He almost paused in his step when he saw Kisame there, reaching for the door handle. Why is he up at this time? He's usually asleep. "Where are you going?" Tension filled the small area between the four walls. It leaked into the rest of the house quickly, filling each room with a sickly thickness in the air.

Kisame smiled. Am I scaring him? He almost laughed, but held it back. He didn't want to irritate Itachi more than necessary. There was no way he would win in a one on one. "Training.." he answered in a light-hearted voice.

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