Chapter Seven

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"He thinks I'm a whore,"

"Uh..." Max utters.

"Linny! He thinks I'm a whore. That I fucked my way to the top five years ago with Yolanda," I do the air quotations around his exact words.

Dex snorts.

Natalie chokes on her coke.

Bebe snickers.

"Guys! Stop jerking around! I'm serious," I yell exasperated at them.

"Well, did you? Is that why Yolanda wanted you so badly? Couldn't get enough of that cock?" Natalie asks her face completely serious.

"No! I haven't been with anyone since Linny," I feel like I'm defending my honor with the way they all but pants for an answer.

"Man, is that why you're so?" Max asks gesturing to my body while Bebe and Dex lets out whistles.

"You people are supposed to be my friends! And what the hell are you talking about Max?" I turn to glare at him.

"The brooding, the excessive force, dude you broke a punching bag," Max says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Pent up sexual frustration," Natalie tilts her head at me, one hand under her chin.

"Don't psycho analyze me you assholes," I mutter tossing popcorn at them.

"That's a serious condition," Bebe throws in his two cents.

"Look, I just need a way to find out if Linny still wants me, or even if he's opened to the idea. He didn't budge when I put the moves on him Monday," I frown remembering it. He was into it. I felt him melt into me. Those fucking elevator doors.

"Well why don't we find out? Natalie could totally pull off the desperate hoe routine," Dex adds.

"Yea, yea. She could drop by one day and bring you lunch, flirt a little. Make it look like something went down," Bebe leans forward and looks at his wife; you could literally see the strategist in him come out.

"Ok, I'm down for that," a smile finds its way on my face.

"Hey! Nobody asked me if I wanted to pretend I want to get me some Halls or be his hoe," Natalie snaps glaring at her husband.

"Come on Natalie, it's not like it'll be that hard. You could do that, remember when you made the German cum on himself when you said 'treat me like your guitar and strum me all night'," Josh, who has been silent all this time smirks.

Natalie blushes, "I was thinking of Bebe you asses," we all exaggerate awww when Bebe blushes too.

"Please Natalie, for me; remember I helped Bebe make his proposal romantic. You actually cried," I remind her. I smirk when her glare softens.

"Fine," I grin at her.

"Okay, time to be CIA agents now," Bebe groans at us getting us all down to business.

"Any leads on who's been stalking me?" I ask but only got grim looks from the rest of my team.

"No. whoever this is, they're good at covering their tracks," Max says leaning back in his chair.

"That's why you got this bullshit assignment you know," Josh murmurs from his corner and I glare at him.

"Well I'm glad to have this bullshit assignment 'cause I got Linny again," I gloat.

"Whatever. Just be on the lookout okay," Josh growls and stands suddenly.

"That's it for today see you bitches next week," and he's gone leaving us all staring after him.

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