Chapter Four

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Immobilized. I can't move. Can't breathe.

Here, sharing the same room as me is the man that broke my heart. He looks good. Fucking good. Sexier than the last time I saw him. His body looks bigger; he grew out his hair a bit too. He grew out his boyish look. God, he's no longer a boy. I'm looking at a man.

"N-Nice t-to meet you, S-Sir," I stammer out trying my best to tear my eyes away from him. He stands there, lips parted in surprise. His eyes bore into me while I stay stock still.

"Linny," he whispers and that's what gets me moving again and air in my lungs.

"So! Sign those for me and I'll get them posted today," I shove the files in front of Harold who is looking at me questioningly. I scramble up and out of there as if my ass is on fire and outside has the last bucket of water in the world.

I take a couple of deep breaths once I'm at my desk again and off my feet. I can't, not today of all days I can't deal with this. I take another few breaths and dial Harold's extension.

"Harold, don't say anything, just listen," I say quickly he grunts an 'uh huh' to let me know he understands.

"I don't feel so good. I'm taking the rest of the day off. Angie will see to the invites and letters getting post out and the overdrawn are in the third file," I pause sucking in another breath.

"mm hmm," Harold murmurs and I continue.

"All your appointments are set from one this afternoon till three thirty. All the files are on my desk, collect them in my pending," I inform him.

"Ok, thank you. Hope you feel better my boy and I'll see you later, alright?" he says sounding concerned.

"Yea, thanks Harold," I hang up and dial Angie's extension next.

"Ang, I need you," I breathe when she picks.

"It's not in the way I'm thinking is it?" she asks sounding sarcastic as ever.

"No you demented fan girl. I need you to post out the greetings and letters Harold will be passing to you later on. The envelopes are in my pending," I say trying and succeeding in sounding pathetic.

"Oh? Okay hun," she sounds so let down.

"Don't fret, I'll buy you lunch next week," I chide.

"Fine, but it better be some prime ribs or something," she chuckles.

"Thanks babe," I said and hung up.

I get my wallet and keys. I don't know how I am so composed. I always thought I'd be crying like a baby if I ever see him again. Alright! I do feel like crying, but I'll be damned if I do it here.

I smile at George the security guard on my way out the door.

Oh god! I'll be his assistant!

I freeze on the side walk. Well shit.

I don't even go and see Mrs. H. I just strip and dive into the pool. I sink, sitting at the bottom of the pool. I squeeze my eyes shut, willing my heart to slow it's pace.

Letting my body float up as the burning in my lung increase I break the surface gulping a breath of air. I begin to slowly tread water. Then increase my pace, shutting out all thoughts of him. All the memories of us.

Teddy (MxM / lgbtq+)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن