She stood helplessly as Sasuke ran from his brother. Itachi pointed the way and Sasuke followed. He dashed screaming in horror, down the dark empty streets. Suddenly he tripped and fell. Itachi stood on the rooftops, watching in silence. His eyes told her that he had seen this coming. Sasuke struggled to stand, but snakes came from the ground, binding him. Aster screamed, paralyzed and unable to help him. But Itachi could. Itachi leapt down to Sasuke's side to try to free him, but a black curtain wrapped itself around him. Then it tightened and began to strangle him. He cried out in pain, and soon Sasuke's screams joined him as the snakes sank their fangs into him. It was only then did she see the Akatsuki clouds on the black attacker that strangled Itachi. The color of the snakes stood out to her as a vivid purple.

Aster bolted upright in bed, breathing hard from the nightmare. She had all but forgotten Sasuke when she left Konoha. It disturbed her to see him in pain as a small child in her dream. Then she thought of Itachi. Everything had been so real. The last week now felt like the dream.

To ward off the chill in the abandoned house, Aster wrapped a sheet around her. Careful not trip over the sheet, she stepped into the hallway. Fear distorted the walls around her. Everything was wrong here. If only she could have some comfort from the nightmare. Suddenly she felt a pang in her chest. She had to make sure Itachi was still alright, still real. She padded down the hall silently.

Slowly, she opened the door to his room. In the moonlight coming in through the window above his bed, she saw his outline under the covers. Relief swept through her instantly. The hall was still foreboding to her, though. The room seemed the only safe place. She shut the door with a quiet click.

He stirred in his sleep, as if hearing the click of the door. Aster walked to his bedside, about to wake him. But as she watched the rise and fall of his chest, as he breathed, she decided against it. He might be upset. It was silly of her to wake him because she had a bad dream. But she realized that she was too scared to go back to her own room. The sheet was no longer keeping her warm.

Tired and still unsettled she laid down on top of the covers next to him. He still didn't seem quite real to him. She could feel the warmth of his body through the covers, but still, her dream nagged her. As she fell asleep, she put a hand on his shoulder, making sure she wasn't hallucinating. With that final assurance, she spiraled into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Itachi woke with the dawn. He almost attacked the person who had their hand on his shoulder. It was only reflexive, considering that ninja were sometimes attacked in their sleep. But the touch was slightly familiar, and he stopped short. He turned his head and peered out of the corner of his eye to see Aster curled up behind him.

Startled he leapt out of the bed. His heart was thumping against his ribs. How had she gotten in here? It was the only thing he could ask himself. He remembered faintly hearing the click of the door, but passed it off as his imagination. It had to have been her. Gaining his composure, he looked her over carefully. She was curled tightly in a ball. But the thing that caught his eye was that her face was tear streaked.

He wanted to wake her and ask why she had come into his room, but decided not to. If he hadn't woken her when he jumped up, she was probably very tired. He took his change of clothes to the bathroom to get ready instead.

Aster opened her crusty eyes a little while after Itachi had left. She sat up slowly, surveying the blurry world around her. Nothing was familiar. Then it hit her, she had snuck into his room last night, after her nightmare.

Oh no! What did he think when he found me sleeping in his bed?! This is awful! She raked her hands through her hair, sick with worry. Then she looked around the room again. Wait, where is he? Did he just get up and leave me?! Remembering the nightmare- Is he gone? Is he in some kind of trouble?!

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