"Stop acting like she's important. She's a foreigner, we don't even know where from. Someone like her doesn't deserve to be ninja, let alone a jonin," the smooth voiced man lectured his friend.

Aster turned swiftly and met their eyes. She glared at them, holding them in silence with her gaze. The man who owned the husky voice narrowed his eyes at her, and then pulled his friend alongside him as he walked away.

Truth be told, she was not looking forward to her encounter with Kakashi. She had not forgotten why she had been unable to follow him that night. Kakashi was responsible from her presence here, and part of her suffering.

Frustrated, she closed her eyes and treaded heavily onward. Kakashi had watched her silent exchange with the two villagers, and she somehow was familiar to him. He tried to warn her as she walked blindly toward the sign in front of a bookshop. Aster was too absorbed in her own worries and did not hear him. Puzzled, Kakashi stared as she walked headfirst into the sign.

She fell backwards, sprawled on the ground. Kakashi, concerned, jogged over to her. Aster opened her eyes to see a piece of one her nightmares staring back.

Her heart beat faster with anger, but her face gave no outward signs. Kakashi extended a hand to her. She took it hesitantly.

"Are you alright?" Kakashi looked down at her, not knowing who he had come across.

"I-I'm fine," Aster replied, stuttering. I'll be alright as soon as you're gone! The thought echoed in her mind.

"May, I ask you name?" Kakashi asked, still trying to place her face.

"I'm not anyone important," She said skillfully dodging the question. "I recognize you though. Kakashi Hatake, the copy ninja. You and your team of genin saved this village and completed the bridge."

Kakashi nodded.

"Sasuke Uchiha is one the genin under you right?" Aster asked suddenly.

"Um, yes. Do you know him?" Kakashi looked surprised.

"Kind of," She said. That was a lie. She was like a sister to him once, in what now seemed like a past life. "I heard of the Uchiha tragedy, and ever since then, I have felt a kind of sympathy for him," She looked away. "I know what it's like to be alone at such a young age."

"I see.." Kakashi eyed her skeptically.

"I heard about the two rogue ninja. What fates did they meet?" Aster inquired, for once being honest with her thoughts.

"Both were killed in the heat of battle." Kakashi said soberly.

"What of the boy, Haku? How did he die?" Aster chocked on the last word. He was a distant relative on her father's side. The kekkai genkai that had tormented Haku ran through her blood to a certain degree.

Kakashi sighed and looked to the ground, preparing to give the bad news. "The boy jumped in the way of a blow that should have killed Zabuza."

Aster gasped and held her breath. Her whole clan was better as the helper nin. They all lived to serve and die. But Haku dieing for Zabuza was a waste. She was sickened by the possibility that her fate could end up being similar. "Who threw the strike?" her voice shook, but she had to know.

Kakashi looked at her long and hard,"Me." He saw the horrified look on her face. "If it makes you feel any better, it wasn't just a simple attack that killed him. He was strong enough that I had to use the chidori."

"Thank you," was the only answer Aster could manage. He had destroyed her only chance to live somewhat happily, and killed her last relative. The whole blood line was gone now. Only she remained no family, even on the distance branches. The wars in the Mist Village had targeted clans with kekkai genkais likes hers. Only her family of five and Haku had escaped. All had now passed, leaving sixteen year-old Aster alone.

She turned away without another word. Kakashi watched her walk away. She was somehow so familiar, but how he did not know.

The village wasn't crowded but she managed to disappear behind a small group of people. She ran and hid around the back of a building.

Anger and hate bore a hole through her as she slid down the side of the stucco. She could feel it getting the better of her, but she couldn't let that happen. The memories ran through her blood, and she desperately wanted to make Kakashi suffer. Struggling for self control, she watched the people on the main street, loathing them for their small sufferings and prevailing happiness.

Then she saw Kakashi again. She slammed herself to the wall. Aster could no longer stand the sight of him. But against her better judgment, she peered back around the corner. As she watched him like a vulture, he entered the building. All control and sense was lost to her. The dreams had told that something was going to happen today, this was it.

Without any further delay, Aster snuck into the building after Kakashi, never reading the sign above. If she would have been level-headed, she would have known it was the Mizukage's mansion, she would have read the sign. But then her life would have not ever been changed.

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