Chapter 14

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The next day, as Akari and Haru were calling the funeral home for the details of the funeral, Yuri and Dark were bringing Shing and Astral into Yuma's room so they could make peace with each other. However, there was heavy silence between them that wouldn't be broken no matter how many times they tried. Astral refused to speak, knowing that whatever he said would result in explosive reactions. Shing wouldn't even look at Astral. Her guilt weighed too heavily, and she just wanted to be left alone.

"This is ridiculous!" Dark exclaimed. "Look, if you want things to get better, you two have to make up and stop fighting."

Finally, Astral spoke up. "She caused his death."

"He did it himself," Shing, sounding detached now, replied. "He was the one who did it. I didn't want to touch him."

"That doesn't mean you weren't the cause."

Shing crossed her arms. She just wanted to be left alone to mourn for her lost love, but nobody was giving her any peace! An idea suddenly crossed her mind. It guaranteed that she would be left alone. She would do it as soon as night fell so that no one would know until the next morning. Until then, she bore with this little thing Dark and Yuri were trying.


Night fell. Shing snuck into Yuma's room, which was empty and left just as it was before. She sat in front of the television, where she and Astral were forced to sit beside each other. The spirit didn't bother to get off his high horse to even look at her, much less talk to her. That didn't matter. Not anymore. Now, she wouldn't have to be by anyone, and everyone would leave her alone.

Shing looked down at her hands, squinting for a while. She was sleepy, but if she wanted them to stay away, she had to do it now. Using her magic, the girl got to work. She only slept in the early hours of the morning.


Astral made his way to Yuma's room to see if Shing was there. After contemplating his actions, he came to the conclusion that both he and Shing were acting childish, even in their grieving state. Maybe Dark and Yuri were right, and they should get along. It was worth a shot, and Yuma did count her as a friend. She couldn't be that bad.

So, with that in mind, the duel spirit floated up to the attic bedroom that once belonged to his friend only to see something horrific. Shing was just waking up in the room, but that wasn't the problem. What skin he could see from the view he had was grayed, and her body language was slouching.

"Shing...?" he called softly.

The girl turned around. Astral inhaled sharply, instinctively holding his hands to his chest to keep the Key, which he still kept clenched in his hands, safe from her touch. Her eyes were dead. Why were they dead? She should have been cured, right?

Or was the cure only temporary?

Whatever the case, Astral didn't stay to find out. He didn't even want to sense her in case his fears were true! He just bolted from his place at the room's entrance down to the living room, his breaths coming out in short bursts even though he didn't exert any energy. Just the sight of her like that sent chills down his spine. Why would she curse herself again!?

"Morning, Astral!" Dark called excitedly, practically assaulting his twin with a hug that nearly toppled him.

Astral jumped and nearly screamed until he realized it was Dark. "You startled me."

"You looked a lot more than 'startled'," Dark giggled. "Anyway, what's got you so uptight?"

Astral just shook his head, keeping the Key close to his heart. "I don't know. But..." He narrowed his eyes. Did he feel the lack of life in her? I should go check and see if this is true or not.

He floated forward, dropping the Key into Dark's hands. Dark himself was snickering a bit. It wasn't like Astral to be so jumpy like that. He knew that this was a serious situation, but he still couldn't help chuckling at how Astral forgot to check if the girl was actually "dead" or "alive." Still, he followed his twin closely in case a fight should erupt.

The both of them peeked in and saw Shing sitting alone in the room, doing nothing. Astral crept inside, sensing her energy. His eyes widened when he found that she wasn't "dead"! Oh, the nerve of the girl! Feigning the curse just to be left alone! He gritted his teeth, eyes narrowing. Dark immediately sprung up and grabbed Astral by the arm, mentally warning him not to do anything to cause a fight.

"She is faking something serious to be left alone!" Astral mentally shouted to his twin. "She is being selfish!!"

"I know, but you need to calm down. Just wait until the funeral, and then we can leave."

"Will Eliphas truly wait that long?"

"I already talked to him while you were asleep. Then, we'll forget this whole ordeal."

Astral's body language immediately became resigned, allowing Dark to pull him down from the attic. He could feel the hurt coming from his brother, but he ignored it. All Dark wanted to do was forget all this happened. They could start anew, with a different Key Owner. They could get the Numeron Code some other time, but not when Astral was broken like this.

Yuri went up to check on Shing. Just when he was nearing the attic, though, a portal opened. Dark Mist came back alone. 

"What are you doing here?" Yuri asked.

"I'm here to make sure Shing doesn't relapse," the spellcaster replied. "Astral is on business in our world."

"Alright then. I was just going to check on her."

Dark Mist nodded and followed Yuri up to the attic room only to find Shing back in her cursed state. The both of them took a step back in surprise, especially when the girl turned around and stared at them.

"What did you do?" Dark Mist, who could clearly feel her life energy, asked skeptically. 

"Can't you see for yourself?" she asked in a monotone. "Now, if you don't want to be killed, step aside."

"You're not cursed." The tone was accusatory. "Why are you pretending to be cursed?"

Shing knew she was caught and dropped the act. Her skin turned back to its normal color, and her eyes became alive again. "Is it too much to ask to be left alone?"

"Look, I know you're still mourning, but you can't act like this. Just try to be mature until the funeral, okay?"

Shing didn't reply. The two sighed and left her alone, hoping she would be well enough to lead after the funeral. It would be hard to lead an empire with a queen who wouldn't even try to lead.

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