Chapter 6

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That night, nearly everyone in the building was awoken by the screams of Shing. Kotori was the first to be at her mistress's side. She tried to shake her awake, but Shing wouldn't wake up. She seemed to calm down, though, but even in her mindless state, the girl knew that it wasn't over. She was about to exit the room when she ran into V.

"What is the problem?" he asked. "I heard her highness scream."

"She isn't waking up," Kotori replied. "I tried rousing her, but she wouldn't wake up."

"I will check on her." V walked into the room and pulled up a chair to sit beside Shing. He peeled back her eyelids to see if she was asleep or simply experiencing sleep paralysis. Her eyes were rolling around frantically, so there was no way she could be asleep.

Next, he checked her pulse. Her heartbeat seemed to be quickened, and it was only getting faster. Her brow was damp with sweat, and her breathing was becoming shallow. It was clear that she wasn't asleep and that there was something wrong.

"Go make her something to calm her nerves," V told Kotori. "Her mind is awake. We just need to wake up her body."

"I'll be back, then." Kotori hurried out of the room to prepare something that would both wake up and calm Shing.

V listened to her breathing and tried everything in his power to try and wake her up. Kotori came back with a drink, and the man propped her up to help her drink it. Unfortunately, she didn't wake up, but she was remarkably calmer. They weren't satisfied with that, though. There was something wrong, something that prevented her from waking up.

Yuma, Cathy, and Kaito finally came in. Only now were they entering, and that was because Yuma had a sort of feeling that something was off. Thinking it was someone attacking their queen, Yuma gathered Cathy and Kaito to come with him to patrol the building. The squad entered the room once their rounds were done. Now, though, seeing Shing laying in bed, the strong feeling only intensified. It was a changed feeling, though. Yuma felt he needed to go near, so he did.

The others didn't stop him as he approached Shing. They, too, felt that if Yuma got close to her, he would probably heal something inside her and wake her up. He got to her bedside. On impulse, he raised his hand slightly and placed it on top of Shing's heart. Almost immediately, his queen groaned, and her eyes fluttered open. Upon seeing Yuma, her eyes widened, and she hugged him.

Yuma was emotionless as usual, but he hugged her back, mentally wondering why she was doing this. She seemed to be mumbling something. The boy leaned in closer and found her whispering, "Please don't leave me, Yuma. I don't want you to leave me. Don't let them be right, please."

Don't let them be right? Yuma pulled his ear away from her and thought deeply about what that could mean. Meanwhile, the others left to their rooms for the night.

~.The Next Day.~

Shing seemed different today. Yuma watched her movements and saw them slower and more lethargic than usual. While the others went to go find more people to recruit, the boy made it his personal assignment to watch over his queen even though that was what Kotori was assigned to do. He watched her as she mind controlled his friends. She didn't seem to be enjoying it as much as she used to. Even though their brain waves were strong, she didn't smile.

"Is something wrong, my queen?" Yuma asked after she was done.

Shing sighed and looked at Yuma. "I don't want you to leave me, but..." She looked away.

"Why do you think I'll leave you?" He knelt down on one knee and bowed his head. "I'll stay here and serve you for as long as I can."

Shing smiled down at her knight. He was loyal, that was true, and she thought she was finally happy. After all, she had the one she loved kneeling in front of her. However, she felt a pain in her heart. Just like in her old world, he was loyal and only stayed with her because she had his will in her hands. He served her; therefore, he wouldn't even think of leaving. Once again, she had everything she wanted, but it didn't feel right.

"Yuma..." she whispered. "Stand up, please."

Yuma obeyed. He would always obey as long as he was in her grip.

"I love you, Yuma. I don't want you to go, but this feels empty." She touched his temple again, snapped her fingers, and walked away. She made sure to grab her cloak and leave before the boy regained all consciousness.

Yuma blinked a few times, surprised that he could once again control himself. He raised his hand up to his face and curled in his fingers. A huge grin spread across his face, and it hurt because he hadn't used that smile in a long time, but that didn't matter! He could control himself again! He saw Kotori testing her own will, and when she realized that she was free, the both of them rejoiced! The rest of their friends, who were only now controlled, snapped out of their daze and joined them in their celebrating.

"This is great!" Kotori cried. "We can go home now!"

"Yeah!" Yuma agreed. "Man, I'll be glad to see Grandma and Akari!"

Everyone agreed and hurried home. They were greeted with great relief by their families. A lot of the members were crying, some yelling, others fussing over their children, but they were all happy and more than relieved.

When Yuma entered his house, Akari was just about to leave to go look for him. They bumped into each other on contact. Much to her surprise, she saw her little brother on the ground, rubbing his head. He looked a little dazed, a little roughed up, but he was alright! All of her previous thoughts to yell at him because he worried her so much evaporated as she hugged her brother tightly and called to Haru that he was alright.

Haru appeared at the door quicker than possible for someone her age and joined in their hug. They stayed on the ground in their group hug for what seemed like forever. Then, Haru ushered them inside, and she and Akari prepared a big meal for celebration. They were so happy to have Yuma back.

Outside, a dark figure in a cloak watched their celebrations. The figure turned away and walked off. In the distance, a fire was already raging. Luckily, there was no one inside, for it was set after everyone left.

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