Chapter 4

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"I'm thinking of mind controlling Kotori and Cathy, as you know," Shing told her knight. "But I'm having a bit of trouble finding uses for them. What do you think?"

Yuma struggled to find any uses for the girls in the other room. He could hardly remember anything about them, but he picked out enough from his foggy memories to find uses for them. "Kotori is useless at dueling," he started. "She could be a personal maid. Cathy could be part of your guard. She has skills in dueling, and she is fierce."

Shing nodded her approval. "Very well. By the way, how is Kaito?"

"He is doing well. He is currently training his body because his skills are already very high."

"Tell him that I need the both of you in the other room later. I need to check up on the both of you."

"Yes, my queen." He bowed and walked back to the training room to tell his partner the news.

Shing, meanwhile, went back to her lab to see if she could fix the serum. Unfortunately, even though she went over the formula over and over again, she couldn't find a way to fix it. So, she sat in her chair and thought about anyone useful she could control to fix it for her. After all, she would have to recruit chemists soon, so why not start now? The only problem was that the only person she could call a scientist was V, and considering how powerful Kaito was against Yuma, she couldn't challenge him any time soon.

However, she knew that they were somewhat close, close enough to feel concern for the other if he was in danger. Could she convince him to come quietly like she tried with Kaito? She pursed her lips, remaining there and thinking for a while before Kaito and Yuma came into the room.

"We're here, my queen," Yuma announced, kneeling on one knee. Kaito did the same. "What did you need of us?"

Shing got out of her seat and gestured to another in her lab. "Yuma, I need you to sit here so I can examine your mental status. While I'm working on Yuma, Kaito, I need you to go feed the prisoners."

Yuma did as he was told and sat in the chair while Kaito bowed his head and walked out of the room, his feet slightly wobbly. Shing hooked up a wire to the headset and attached it to another machine. The brain waves she was seeing were rather good. He was healing up nicely. At this rate, he would have the headset off soon. She ran a few more tests before disconnecting the wire from the machine. 

"You can get down now, Yuma," she purred. "You're healing up nicely."

"Thank you, my queen." He went outside to relieve Kaito of his duty while said Numbers Hunter came into the room and sat in the same seat.

Shing once more connected the wire to the headset and machine to see what was going on with his brain. What she saw displeased her. The brain damage dealt as a result of the serum seemed worse, and the headset was proving inefficient at healing the damage. She would have to upgrade his headset to put him in a coma-like state so that he didn't waste too much mental energy until she could properly fix that too.

"Come with me to your room," she said and guided him back to his room, which looked almost exactly like Yuma's. While she had Kaito safely in his room, she proceeded to fix the headset so that he wouldn't waste energy on being awake. She then put his headset back on. Kaito fell asleep almost immediately. Once that was done, she walked out of the room.

She sent an email to the three Arclight brothers to get them all here together. Yuma was strong enough to physically disable at least two of them before they noticed anything, and he could simply duel to take the last one's fighting energy. Before she sent the emails, though, she made it so that they would delete as soon as they closed out of the emails. Finally, she sent them.

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