Chapter 30: Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Nobles want power, so of course they say things like that." Yao sounded wise. "After the break is over, you should not talk about Queen anymore." I nodded.

"Thanks, Yao, I'm not sure what I would do without you." Yao chuckled.

"Nothing, I suppose."


I walked out of the map room, rubbing my temples. The meeting had ended, and the moon was halfway on the sky. I stopped in front of the window. I watched outside. The trees of the forest swayed slightly because of the wind. No one moved on the courtyard. I sighed, before starting to walk again.

I found myself later in front of the door of Queen's chambers. I hesitated, before opening the door.

The room was dark, so I tried to find a candle. My hip hit something, maybe a table, and a heavy thing fell on the floor. I grimaced, when my hand hit something. I realized that it was a candle. Luckily, right next to it was matches. I lit up the candle and sweared a little, when my hand was too close for the flame.

The heavy thing was a book. I lifted it, and then sat down on Arthur's bed. I turned it around and read the title: Spell book.

This magic was like language of Clubs to me. They didn't even use our alphabet, they had an alphabet which has weird marks. It looks kind of intimidating, but I wouldn't admit it to Ivan. No way in hell!

"Boring.." I muttered. I put the book back to its place, before looking around. The curtains were closed, the bed was made; everything seemed ordinary. I noticed a smaller book on his nightstand. I walked to it and brushed its worn out cover. There read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling. I smiled, when I read the blurb; so like Arthur. I put the book back at its place, when I yawned. It wouldn't hurt if I slept here tonight, right?

I noticed a slip of paper on the floor. I picked it up, and my eyes widened. Jealousy rose in my chest.

Dear Antonio,

I'm afraid I have to tell you something next time we meet, and you might not like it. Anyway, how are things there? Has your brother healed already? Have there been any problems? I hope not. I have to stop writing this, because my personal maid is going to come wake me up again.

Best regards,

Arthur K.

I found the answer to that letter soon enough.

Dear Arthur,

I hope the news aren't too bad :( But you're always such a polite person. Relax a bit! For example, come here to meet us. We could have a party and dance flamenco like we did when we was young. And Miguel is healing well, the cough doesn't bother him so much anymore. There has not been any problems, so you don't have to worry, Arthur. Is Eliza getting on your nerves again?

Yours sincerely,

Antonio F. C.

P.S. Meet me behind the north wall at 0.00

The letter fell from my grip. Arthur had been sending letters to his friend for... How long, exactly? And he didn't tell me anything! Maybe... I shook my head, getting the thought out of my mind.

I glanced at the clock and noticed, that it was half twelve at night. I stood up.

I bet this Antonio will have his life's most surprising moment, when he don't meet Arthur, but me. I hurried out of the room.

The old silver clock continued ticking on the wall.


I leaned on the wall, waiting for clock to ring twelve. I closed my eyes, feeling tired. A rustling sound woke me up from my temporary slumber. I touched the dagger in my boots. Not a best place to hide it, but it will do its job.

"Arthur? Are you there, mi amigo?" Antonio walked closer, until he was in front of me. Luckily, the poor man didn't seem to notice me. 

"Arthur?" He had an accent which reminded me of the language the people speak in Five of Spades. In one fast motion, I was behind him, placing my dagger on his throat.

"Oh, King, it is you? Do you know where the Queen is?" He asked with a carefree tone.

"Make no sound, then I'll free you." I said. Antonio nodded and I took the dagger off on his throat. I didn't put it away, though. "And... The Queen is dead." I added.

Shock was easy to see on his face. "Arthur... Is dead? How?" He exclaimed. I glanced him warningly. The smile returned on his face, as if to cover his shock and sadness.

"Jokers killed him. Or, they say, it was an accident. The cliff broke down and he fell."

"Ah, the Jokers. I've heard of them. But.. Now I'll never know what news Arthur wanted to tell me." He said. I showed him my left hand. The ring shined slightly in the moon light.

"So... You were getting married." I nodded, but couldn't name was that disappointment in his voice. Antonio then glanced his clock.

"I should get going, your Majesty." He bowed, before wandering towards the city.

"Wait!" Antonio turned. "How long have you been sending letters to each other?" The man smiled.

"Since he came to the castle." With that, he disappeared to the shadows.

Me: *hoovering the downstairs and singing Hamilton* "You have no control, who lives, who dies, who tells you story."

Also me: *emptying the dishwasher* "Sit down, John, you fat motherfucker!"

Kind of a filler chapter, but the next chapter will be longer

Btw, I'm going to publish two one-shots this year (I don't promise anything), called "Blood" (UsUk, surprise! *trying to be sarcastic but fails miserably) and "Runaway" (Spamano).

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