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I've finished all my lessons as of today. I decided to hang out in the library for a few hours, to introduce my self and try make relationships with people of my year specifically.
I did talk to a nice girl called Leslie, but it wasn't too serious, just a discussion of our subjects. Other than that I said a few hellos and 'how are you finding your time here' sort of questions. Icarus and his lanky friend weren't here but I did spot them outside hanging out, I got the idea that they came here already knowing eachother as they were very close and didn't seem to want and bother as of now to introduce to new people.

I went back to my dormitory after 3 hours of hanging out in the library and pacing around oxford, exploring its building.
I had a roommate of course, who as of yet I haven't met, she was a late arrival so I never got to meet her this morning.
I was laying on my bed when the door knob suddenly slashed open, I struck up, surprisingly it was Leslie, and I was certainly glad.
When we talked earlier on, we seemed a lot too similar but couldn't come to terms with it to quickly due to our awkwardness which we secretly share in common, whilst trying to hide it.

'Leslie' I smiled
'Primula' she looked more relieved than ever
'What a coincidence isn't it'I got up
'Oh my god it is, I guess we're meant to be' she said
'Wait not in that sense obviously I'm not gay by the way, well I was for a while in school but it was purely just a phase, I think..'
'It's okay, Im definitely not prejudice'
She gasped.
'Okay I'm not always this weird honestly' she slumped down
We spent all that day together inside, talking and talking, she told me all about her background, her hobbies her life back home her family, shared to me that she was in fact half Chinese and half Irish, which I related too being foreign myself. I no longer felt too much of an alienation, hearing her made me feel like I wasn't alone. She also felt scared and lonely, she also had not as many friends back home as I did. I also told her a bit about myself. But she was more of natural talker anyway.

'It's 10:00 o'clock already'I looked at my watch
'Oh shoot, I need to change and things, night primula' she left into her room
'Goodnight' I replied
I too got changed and enveloped myself inside the blankets and then reached to close the lamp.
I stared up at the ceiling for a while, thinking about my mother, sister, and father wondering what they'd be up too.
I then also thought about Icarus, and how attached Im already feeling to someone I've known for only 1 day. I certainly escalated to myself that I have  a crush on him.

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