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He rubbed his hair putting it back in place as it was all over his eyes. I felt a big thump in my gut, almost like butterflies, but butterflies that got electrically shocked because right after I realized it was him Mr. Ross announced
'Okay guys I want you to all partner up, now no need to move just face the person you're sitting next to, that'll be your partner.'

I gulped. We were definitely going to have to partner up.
As noise rapidly filled up the hall, I waited for him to introduce himself but nothing.
Could he seriously already forgotten me  from earlier on?

'Well hi' I said
'Hi' he finally looked over, then a mild shock came over his expression.
'It's you, the girl I nearly ruined the sundress for' talking about the bump.
I laughed then looked at my dress
'It was close, just luckily this dress wasn't one of my favorite anyway'
'Well, it should be, I don't see girls wear sundresses nowadays much, it's a bold move'
I knew I blushed after that comment

'I haven't even said the task' Mr. Ross said trying to hush the hall.
'I want you to swap your essays with your partners, mark it and then share your feedback for them'
I pulled mine out of my hand bag,
whilst Icarus just went into his frontal hoodie pocket and got out two sheets of paper. I honestly wondered how a boy like him got into oxford but I didn't want to judge just yet.

'This is mine' he slid it to me, and I also gave him mine.
I read the first lines and  already it caught my attention,
'Love, what is love? Some simply say it's what the heart wants. Whilst the logical group of scientific researchers will argue, it's all about the neurotransmitters doing their chemical fairy dust . Some say it's abit of both. Romeo and Juliet will fit perfectly into both those description. But is that really it? Is love really the same chemical reaction to materialism we have, to the  temporaries in our life. Maybe Love is an object ? An object, like the materialistic ones we get so attached too, and the only living one. like the heart the brain. Not an eraser or a pen.
Romeo and Juliet fell deeply in love within a span of only 4 days, because they had realized , they both just became one of the most valuable pieces, the conquerers of all, the healers, the supremes,the zillioners, they had become objects of love. An object that's not even questionable for an auction. The best object a person of earth can ever attain to be.'
After this the essay discussed more relation to the question and still I read it in complete intrigue  throughout.

'Well I finished reading' I looked at him.
He also just about came to an end, after  reading the last two lines of the third page.
'Me too' he gazed into my eyes
'So shall I go first or?' I mumbled
'Sure yeah' he said
'Well the essay overall really does discuss the concept of love....'I looked at him and he was still starting into me
'Umm it's great , good terminology here and there, just discuss things relating more to the question and also paragraphing is important' I pointed to the paper at certain areas that needed to be paragraphed.
I looked to him, and he was still gazing into my eyes, he hasn't looked down or sideways yet, all this time he stared at me.
'That's it' I smiled
'That's it seriously, youre just being nice '
'Being nice?' I said 'quite brutal I must say it was almost too flawless ' I laughed
'You have nice eyes' he then said out of the blue
'They twinkle every time you laugh, it's quite enduring'
I just nodded and awkwardly smiled
'Well this is my feedback, a lot of information about Romeo and Juliet and a lot of historical facts I never knew. One thing it doesn't discuss is  the concept of love, the furthest love was discussed was the word love'  
I was still in daydream by the compliment he just told me
'Ah yes, okay well thanks ' we then traded back each others work quite clumsily, as one of my sheets fell,which he picked up for me.
'Thanks' I took it, the tip to our clammy fingers touching
'It's okay' he gave out an awkward laugh.
And the class came back to silence again.whilst Mr Ross kept rambling on, all I did was think of Icarus and take deep breaths, as I was slightly nervous but also just trying to take in as much of his cologne as possible.

 Icarus and Primula Where stories live. Discover now