The coincidence

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I arrived late. This time the whole  damn lecture hall was full to its mouth corners, there was no space, no where visible I could sit.
I looked over at Professor Ross, waiting for some sort of suggestion to marvelously come out of his mouth, and also not make me look so lost because I was desperately seeking help right now, and having no friends didn't make this case easier for me.
'Ah, Primula there's no place it looks like'...'my lecturers are seriously that good?' He laughed
'Umm why don't you go sit over there, by that pretty young chap' pointing to the left side of the lecturer hall.
I could see the empty seat now, which was in the final row, at a corner too. Possibly my least favorite seating area.

I marched up there pretty awkwardly, the stairs had such a gap between them, like those cinema steps, where you had to take an extra leap to place your other foot on the next step.
I got there and shoved my way in by walking behind the students and then rapidly I settled down, whilst the class continued.
Mr. Ross said by 'that pretty chap' but funnily enough he couldn't even see him, his head was face down on the desk. In fact I couldn't even see his hair, he put his sweater hoodie up, so really  he just looks like a black marble blob slumped on a desk.

'As Romeo just about took the poison .. Juliet woke up from her sleep potion..' Mr Ross went on.
I was by now busy scanning with my eyes for Icarus, I could see his lanky friend but a girl accompanied his left side and on his right was a blonde boy, with a red hoodie on, as I remember Icarus obviously doesn't have blonde hair, and well earlier on he was wearing a black hoodie when I caught him  smok....
Wait a minute.
As I jolted my eyes ever so slightly to the left, the figure sleeping next to me slowly crumbled to wake up, he thrusted his hoodie back and I could now see oaky stringy hair, protruding red lips and a strong Greek nose.
I knew exactly now who this 'pretty boy' was. Im sat next too Icarus.

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