After class

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*DRRRRRR* bell went off, waking me back to reality.
'Okay guys, I would like that essay due by our last lesson...TODAY' said professor Ross, followed by a sigh from the whole class.
'Uh-h Icar essay about what..?' I overheard the tall lanky guy who sat next to Icarus mumble.
'bout how Romeo and Juliet's 4 day relationship has made them the greatest tragedy in the history of love' he said quite sarcastically.
'Ral, was you asleep again?' Raising his lightly visible eyebrows
'Well, come on' they followed each other to the stairs, leaping over a whole row worth of bags and people. Obviously without any care of waiting.
I watched them, as I stood up in front of my chair waiting for the path to clear before I made a move.

I headed down to the campus's library then helped myself to the coffee vending machine, placed near the doorway of study area. I got my favorite of course a mocha.
Then I turned around to go hunt for a table to study, when suddenly I jumped into a figure.
it was Icarus.
But he quickly held me still by putting his heavy hand on my shoulder. I looked up at his piercing black eyes and mumbled 'sorry I didn't see you there'
'No problem' he awkwardly snatched his hand away ..'a mocha?'
'Yes' I moved back
'Oh good choice' he smiled, then carried on to walk into the study area.

'good choice' ,we are destined to be together I gazed at him, well, in the coffee level we are, we have the same taste in coffee. Maybe we have the same taste in everything else.

I grasped my mocha in my left hand and proceeded to walk in, I looked around the area but it was all full, all the tables and computers where taken. So I had to climb up the stairs to the second floor of the study area.

I pushed the door and to my luck exactly in the corner I saw an empty space. I rushed to it, unpacked my stuff and gently placed my coffee and bag upon the table, as I came to pull my chair out I looked down over the balcony into the first floor, and coincidentally directly in front of me downstairs sat Icarus and his friend in the round table.

I sat down rapidly on my chair, got my Shakespeare essay out and tried to completely ignore or make any sort of glimpse at him.
Of course all I did that hour was glimpse over at him with any chance I got. I could tell he and his lanky friend where also doing the Shakespeare essay, as they also had laid out on their table the 1,000 paged notes professor Ross gave us for help. 'You couldn't miss this note stack from a mile' he says.

Usually when I'm in revision, I'd be deeply concentrated with my work wholeheartedly for a good 1 hour, after it I will get distracted or will need to a take break. But Icarus was a whole new story. Every time I looked at him he'd only be writing a few lines before he would be distracted either by his phone, or talking and occasionally laughing to hard with his friend.
His smile can I mention was so deep, he had visible laughing lines (but not in a wrinkly sense) and a one dimpled left cheek , his teeth where fairly neat, top and bottom row, but that to me didn't matter , I have developed an acceptance and almost a liking towards naturally crooked teeth.
I'd also noticed whenever he laughed his rosy, voluptuous top lip would slightly fold inwards, they were not thick in a feminine way but just full and oddly wide.
Whilst i was busy appreciating him, his head lifted up towards the balcony, looking straight towards me. Oh no.... we just made eye contact. He knows I've been starting at him this whole time. No no no no.

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